Hannaford milk mystery solved!

Who's Carl?
If you've ever bought milk at Hannaford, you might have noticed the person's name printed on the upper right part of the carton. It changes from week to week -- the last carton we bought said "CARL."
So, what's that about? Is the cow taking credit? (Unlikely. What sort of female cow would be named Carl?)
Well, we've finally gotten to the bottom of this mystery.
We got in touch with Bo Hamlyn, one of Hannaford's consumer affairs specialists. Here's Bo's answer to our question:
After talking with one of our Dairy associates, I found out the system behind the coding at the top of your Milk Carton.
Date/Time Stamp: 17:13 MAR 21/08
Line Number: L1
Plant Number: 2508
Operator: CARLCarl was the operator who was in charge at the time your Milk was put into the carton. According to the associate, this is a fairly new step that has been implemented for Quality Assurance purposes.
So, there you go. If you're happy with your milk, thank Carl. And the cow. Whatever her name might be.
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I bought a free range chicken a week or so ago at Rolf's Pork Store on Lexington,( if you havent been there you should go.). anyway this chicken had a code number on it and directions to the website .. put in the code number an bish bash up comes the google view of the farm where the little plump bird was born and raised, you could see the little range and all.. joy joy
... said HR Green on Mar 14, 2008 at 9:47 PM | link