How much is New York's gasoline tax?

After hearing about the most-likely-only-for-show debate going on in the state legislature over a "gas tax holiday," we wondered where New York State's gasoline tax ranks nationally. So, we looked it up. Here's the top 5, which -- surprise! -- includes the Empire State:
state | cents per gallon |
California | 45.5 |
Connecticut | 44.1 |
New York | 41.2 |
Michigan | 36 |
Washington | 36 |
All figures from the American Petroleum Institute (pdf).
Which states have the lowest per gallon tax? New Jersey (14.5) and Wyoming (14) and Alaska (8).
By the way, most of the stories about this gax tax holiday are quoting New York's gasoline tax at about 33 cents per gallon. We did a little more digging around and it seems that 33 cent number only accounts for New York's "other" gasoline tax. The state's excise tax on gasoline -- 8 cents -- doesn't seem to be on the table. (33 + 8 = 41)
photo: Flickr user x-eyedblonde, used under a CC license
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