An iPod vending machine at Macy's? What?

For when an iPod craving just hits you out of nowhere.
We saw this on a swing through the Colonie Center Macy's this week. It's a vending machine for iPods, cameras and other digital media gadgets -- like a little piece of Japan right next to the cosmetics department.
It looks like Macy's has been rolling out these vending machines over the last few years. The company pretty much dumped selling electronics back in the late 90s and is hoping the iPod-o-mat (our name, not theirs) can help them get back in the game.
OK, but why a vending machine? Couldn't you just sell iPods at, you know, a counter or something? It seems the vending machines are supposed to help spur impulse buys and... wait for it... attract younger shoppers.
Earlier on AOA:
+ The Wal-Mart. Has. An Escalator.
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If my iPod gets stuck on the twisty thing and doesn't drop, I'm wailing on that beast.
... said Rob on May 15, 2008 at 1:23 PM | link
I saw one of these at the Atlanta Intl Airport and I couldn't stop staring at it. Indeed, my boyfriend almost bought one simply because it was there and he'd been wanting one. It was a very fun and fancy machine. If retainers were sold like that, I'd buy one every day.
... said Katherine on May 15, 2008 at 2:03 PM | link