Dems pick candidate for Gillibrand replacement race, stabbing in downtown Saratoga, RPI involved with Africa education intiative, local sales of YakTrax up

The Democrats have picked Glens Falls venture capitalist Scott Murphy to run in the special election for Kirsten Gillibrand's seat. Murphy emerged as the choice after former TV anchor Tracy Egan and AFL-CIO official Suzy Ballantyne dropped out. The 10 Democratic county chairman made their pick yesterday at the Gateway Diner in Albany (no, that's not in the district) while, apparently, wearing lots of Gillibrand flair. [Daily Gazette] [Troy Record] [TU] [@pattigibbons]

Murphy will face Jim Tedisco in the special election -- and people are already lining up to replace Tedisco should he win. [Saratogian]

Police say a man was stabbed multiple times early Sunday morning at Club 388 on Broadway in downtown Saratoga Springs. The victim was airlifted to Albany Med. Police arrested two men shortly after the incident -- the cops had been on patrol in the area. [CapNews9] [Daily Gazette] [Saratogian]

Saratoga Springs mayor Scott Johnson says the city's council "has already embraced the concept, but not the details" of paid parking downtown. That's not going over well with downtown business owners. [TU]

As David Paterson's public profile has taken a hit (or, hits) over the last few weeks, it appears that Sheldon Silver is controlling the agenda at the Capitol. [AP/Saratogian] [TU]

Joe Bruno, who's under federal indictment, in a recent memo to employees at the consulting firm he now heads: "If there was ever a time to be righteously indignant, that time is now." [TU]

RPI's involvement with the Clinton Global Initiative is continuing to draw criticism from people in the school's community. Among the issues: it recently came to light that RPI has pledged to spend more than $1 million on an education project in Africa, though a spokeswoman says that commitment is still "evolving." [TU]

Albany Med has shut down its heart transplant program. The medical center heart transplant volume has been way down since it was revealed in 2003 that a doctor had been gaming the priority list for transplants. The hospital says it could restart the program in a year. [TU] [Daily Gazette]

Price Chopper has pulled a handful of store-brand products containing peanuts because of concerns about possible salmonella contamination. No illness from the products have been reported. [Daily Gazette]

Ten firms have submitted bids for the construction of the Saratoga Springs' South Side Recreation Center. The high and low bids were separated by more than $800,000. [Saratogian]

Schenectady police say they've nabbed two of the three men involved in recent bike-by muggings. [TU]

Three local banks have turned down money from the federal government's Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). They say they're in good shape without it. [TU] [Saratogian]

Five years after video lottery terminals debuted at the Saratoga Racino, calls to local problem gambling hotlines are up and an org that offers gambling addiction services says more people are seeking treatment. [Daily Gazette]

First Cardinal, a financial services firm, says it's cutting 45 jobs at its Latham office. [Biz Review]

A can and bottle drive for the Mohawk and Hudson Human Society turned into a traffic jam in Colonie on Saturday after a surge of people showed up with donations. The drive was organized to help the humane society make up for about $400 of cans and bottles that were recently stolen. [Troy Record]

Some local antiques and collectible dealers say there's been an increase in the number of people trying to unload their keepsakes for cash. [Daily Gazette]

NYSERDA has placed a small wind turbine atop the Corning Tower as part of a study looking at the feasibility of urban wind power. [AP/TU]

The EMS store at Stuyvesant Plaza says sales of YakTrax are up 22 percent over last year -- maybe because of the all the iced-over sidewalks. [TU]

Saratoga Springs' "first dog" is a 190-pound American mastiff who, apparently, enjoys chowder. [Daily Gazette]


I think Murphy is the right guy for the Dems to run. He's young, energetic, incredibly smart, and very progressive. He's got some experience in government, so he knows how things work. And, he's been successful in business, so hopefully he can help jumpstart the upstate economy.

My new years resolution was 1024x768, but it's now February and I keep slipping back to 640x480. Anyone else struggling with their resolution?

@ pants. I told myself I wasn’t going to go to any more weddings. But these two antennas I know recently got married, and the reception was … nevermind.

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