Paterson fans can now be counted on one hand

It's just been one long slide. (Numbers from Siena Research Institute)
OK, that's exaggerating... a little.
A new Siena poll out today reports that David Paterson's favorable/unfavorable numbers are now at 29/58. And when people were asked whether they'd prefer Paterson or "someone else" in 2010, people picked "somone else" 67-14.
Of course, that "someone else" is increasingly looking like Andrew Cuomo (AKA "the hottest thing in politics," according to the Washington Post) . The Siena poll asked about a hypothetical primary between Cuomo and Paterson. The result: Cuomo 67-17 over Paterson. Paterson also loses big to Rudy Giuliani in a hypothetical general election 56-36.
And how about Cuomo vs Guiliani? AC on top 51-41.
By the way, Eliot Spitzer in a Slate piece from Friday: "There has never been a tougher time to be a governor." Heh. Maybe he really has ended up a winner.
Earlier on AOA:
+ Piling on Paterson
+ Everybody hates David Paterson
+ Speculate about 2010? Sure, why not.
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Sounds to me like another hot pants photo is needed. Paterson's gams might just be the best thing about him right now.
... said Siobhan on Mar 23, 2009 at 12:31 PM | link