The spitzering: one year later

No one's clapping now.
The news that Eliot Spitzer had been caught in a prostitution sting went public a year ago today.
It almost seems like it's been even longer than that -- so much has happened since then. After a year, who's up? Who's down? We've put together a scorecard.
Eliot Spitzer: draw
Sure, he had to resign. And now everyone knows about his, uh, sock wearing habits. But, silver lining: he doesn't have to deal with the problems facing the state. And he's gotten into real estate investing after the bubble burst. That said, he doesn't seem to see things this way. OK, maybe he is a loser.
David Paterson: loser
A year ago he was the lovable lieutenant governor hanging out at Elda's, waiting for Hillary Clinton to become president so he could be appointed to the Senate. Now, he's trying to steer New York through one of its toughest-ever economic crunches. And everyone hates him.
Ashley Alexandra Dupre: winner
Well, obviously, this wasn't the best thing that could have ever happened to her. But she's not a prostitute anymore. And she's famous. Not famous for something most people would want to be famous for, but it's something. We think. Maybe she'll get a reality show. (OK, maybe that's not so winning.)
Kirsten Gillibrand: winner
If Spitzer was still the governor and Paterson still his lieutenant, KG might have missed out on getting the Senate seat.
Sheldon Silver: winner
Apparently he's now running the show at the Capitol.
Joe Bruno: draw
At this time last year he was looking like a winner as his holier-than-thou nemesis went down hard. Now? Uncle Joe left the state Senate and has been indicted by the feds. And no more Brunomobile.
The media at the Capitol: draw
The upside: the Spitzer story was huge and focused a lot of attention on the Capitol. The downside: there are now fewer reporters than ever.
The people of New York State: loser
One of the saddest things about all this is that Eliot Spitzer was supposed to be the guy to clean things up at the Capitol and get the state on the right track. Even before the spitzering, that was starting to look unlikely. But Spitzer's downfall crashed those hopes completely. Ugh. At least we're not Illinois.
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The people who like LOLcats: winnerz
... said -S on Mar 10, 2009 at 4:31 PM | link
To say nothing of Ashley Alexandra Dupre's music career! I'll be honest, I didn't think it was possible when she said she wanted to be a recording artist, but look at that, her myspace page shows a log-in from February 1st where she promises to post tunes real soon! I guess she sure showed us!
... said Pantaloons on Mar 10, 2009 at 4:47 PM | link
As a proud Chicagoan, I need to say one thing: that hairstyle was an offense and an embarrassment to the great state of Illinois.
... said 23-Hour Alice Person on Mar 10, 2009 at 4:54 PM | link
I always thought Spitzer was a winner... until I heard about the socks.
... said Barold on Mar 10, 2009 at 6:35 PM | link
@23-hour Alice Person: I don't know about that! I loved the Blago! He was like a cartoon/caricature/super-hero/evil-villain all rolled into one! And the quotes were spectacular. Spitzer was not only a disaster as governor, he was a weaselly little hypocrite. I really felt like he personally kicked me in the gut a year ago. At least Blago went out in a ball of flame, both guns blazing, with crazy-talk coming out of his mouth.
... said Lucy on Mar 10, 2009 at 9:56 PM | link
Spitzer's credibility with the populace might be as faded as acid-wash jeans, but he still has a soapbox. Late last year he started writing for Slate, and I must say his articles and ideas are quite good.
... said James Cronen on Mar 11, 2009 at 8:50 AM | link
Yeah, Spitzer was a hyprocrite, but I'd rather have him as Gov right now for all his stupidity in his personal life. I was never a huge fan of Eliot, but Paterson is floundering. Maybe with his arch nemesis Bruno out of the picture, Spitzer could have concentrated on the problems of the state and gotten us out of this hole.
... said chrisck on Mar 11, 2009 at 9:48 AM | link
It's no surprise that Hank Greenberg got his revenge.
... said Mike Lieman on Mar 18, 2009 at 8:43 PM | link