Answers from Shawn Morris

She's currently the Common Council president.
AOA recently talked with Albany Common Council president Shawn Morris about her candidacy for mayor. We asked her a bunch of questions -- including many that you suggested.
Video of her answers is after the jump. It's arranged so that you can watch her answer each question individually.
We'll have video answers from our interview with Corey Ellis, who's also running for mayor, later this week on Monday. We hope to get time with the other candidates at some point, too.
The interview was recorded March 12, 2009.
Why do you want to be mayor?
Why should you be mayor?
What's the most important issue facing the city?
This question was suggested by Sarah.
What are your top 3 accomplishments from your time on the Common Council?
This question was suggested by Emma.
After 16 years on the Common Council, what new ideas can you bring to the table?
This question was suggested by Emma and Ellie.
How would you make Albany safer?
This question was suggested by Siobhan.
What should be done about the landfill, which is projected to be full by the end of this year?
How would you spur economic development?
How can the city's school's be improved? What do you think about the city's charter schools?
What is one of Albany's best assets?
What should be done about the ghost ticket scandal?
What should be done about empty/abandoned buildings in the city?
This question was suggested by ellie.
How would you make city government more transparent?
How would you make public information easier to access?
What do you think about the convention center? Is it a boondoggle?
This question was suggested by Justin and Sarah.
How would you make the city more bike-friendly?
This question was suggested by Jackers.
Should there be a residential parking system downtown?
This question was suggested by HR Green.
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WOW -- this woman is so intelligent! Albany and its residents NEED her in City Hall!
... said Mary on Apr 13, 2009 at 6:31 PM | link
Two questions, Shawn,
What have you done to support the LGBTQ community in Albany (or elsewhere)?
What would you do as Mayor to support the LGBTQ citizens in this city?
Thanks, Gloria DeSole
... said gloria desole on Apr 13, 2009 at 9:55 PM | link
I really like that Shawn has a vision of bringing our City into the 21st Century. I feel like her answers, especially to "what is the most important issue facing the City" really show the complex understanding she has of what Albany is truly facing.
... said Dan in Pine Hills on Apr 14, 2009 at 6:51 AM | link
I was quite impressed with the answers that Shawn gave. I was also impressed with her answers about her accomplishments on while on the council. She has a tough job ahead of her, and she needs to communicate what exactly she has done to improve the Government processes in the city.
Jerry is a very tough campaigner and will take the gloves off before the bell, the question is can she go toe to toe with him?
... said tom scarff on Apr 15, 2009 at 9:54 AM | link
while her answer for the abandoned buildings question wasn't half bad. if she paid attention/knew what was actually going on, she would know that there is help out their for rehabers, there is someone to hold their hand through the process. no it' isnt the City but rather Historic Albany Foundation.
they have a parts warehouse where you can get any and everything you'll need for your older, historic home at a very very very reasonable (i.e. cheap) price (not the over priced, historically inappropriate, crap brand new stuff from one of the big box places). they have a huge contractor list of contractors who are familiar with working on older, historic homes and all or whom were recommended by homeowners. they offer classes and workshops to learn how to do key home improvement jobs yourself.
... said ellie on Apr 16, 2009 at 6:47 AM | link
So Shawn Morris knows nothing about what actually goes on in Albany because she doesn't know about historically accurate home rehab here?
Running a city requires attention to a broad scope of issues and activities. Very broad. A candidate should be measured on a wide range of criteria not one single item.
Its no wonder we have had Mayor McCheese for four terms now.
... said Elizabeth on Apr 16, 2009 at 10:12 AM | link
Gloria, as a Common Councilmember, I supported a variety of legislation and resolutions including: creating the City registry for domestic partnerships, extending City employee benefits to domestic partners, and including transgendered in the human rights ordinance. Personally, I have contributed financially -- and publicly supported -- the Capital District Gay and Lesbian Community Center (which as you know is the oldest gay and lesbian community center in the Country), participated in Pride Week events and in rallies for Same Sex marriage. As Mayor, I would continue my support for the LGBTQ community by continuing to work with advocates to secure equal protections.
Those are the macro issues. Let’s talk neighborhoods. At a time when some families were fleeing the city for the suburbs, gay and lesbian families anchored our neighborhoods – and in particular, my neighborhood off of Delaware Ave. So when we talk Same Sex marriage and human rights ordinances, they aren’t just political issues. They are personal, local issues that affect our City’s residents and families.
... said Shawn Morris on Apr 16, 2009 at 10:27 AM | link
Ellie, The question was about what the city should do. I am actually very familiar with the wide range of services offered by Historic Albany Foundation. I used them as a resource when writing the city's Vacant Building Registry, been an active on the "Vacant Buildings Solutions" committee that they spearhead and regularly host a dinner for the Moveable Feast.
The work HAF does is invaluable. But I think the city should play a stronger, more supportive role in helping rehabbers through this process. I suspect HAF would agree with me.
... said Shawn Morris on Apr 17, 2009 at 4:07 PM | link