Hot in here

april2009 high temps

We'll leave it up to you about whether it's time to take off all your clothes.

So it's been a little warm in the Capital Region the last few days -- unusually warm, in fact.

The chart above lists the actual high temps from the last four days against the normal average high temps for those dates (data from the National Weather Service). We've been running 15-20 degrees warmer than a typical late April week. Saturday's high temp was a record.

Bonus weather nerdage: the National Weather Service has a year-long climate chart that tracks actual temps against the average.

Today looks like the last hot day for a while. After today's forecasted high of 86, we're looking at 64, 69, 70 and 63 as highs for the rest of the week.


I wonder how this heat is affecting the growth of the tulips what with the Tulip Fest coming up. The tulips in my yard seemed to bloom and then pass their peak almost before I could notice and enjoy them. They are already shot when they normally would not have bloomed until May. I'm assuming the city gardener plants early, mid, and late varieties to cover her bets on the weather.

chris, if you check out the park you'll see that seems to be the case... there are some that are up but haven't opened yet. I guess we'll see when the fest rolls around. There are plenty of other flower varities too that are just starting to spring, so there'll be plenty to look at one way or the other.

I have a vague memory of the city gardeners putting ice in some of the tulip beds a few years back in an attempt to hold the tulips back. But I can't find any reference to it. Does anyone remember this?

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