Dalai Lama visits, murder in Albany, too many recyclables in landfill, Friday's says it's investigating snakehead, Sage graduation won't shake on it, fiddlehead rustlers

The Dalai Lama speaking in the New York Senate.
The Dalai Lama spoke -- very softly -- to a crowd of about 2500 people at the Palace Theater yesterday afternoon. About the controversy surrounding his off-then-on visit, the Tibetan spiritual leader said: "I had an invitation, so I accepted." -- he also implied that negative media reports about the World Ethical Foundations Consortium, the event's sponsor, were not truthful. Earlier in the day, the Dalai Lama spoke before the state Senate and joked that he felt an affinity with Republicans at the Capitol because he knows what it's like to be in the minority. [TU] [Daily Gazette] [TU] [Troy Record] [NYS Senate YouTube]
The Albany County budget is facing a $20 million gap because of falling sales tax income and cuts in state aide. County exec Mike Breslin called the gap -- which represents about 30 percent of the county budget -- "an emergency." [TU]
Police say a man was stabbed and killed on Bradford Street in Albany yesterday evening (map). A suspect is in custody. Another man was shot twice on Third Street later in the night. [CapNews9] [TU] [CapNews9]
A Schenectady County grand jury handed up a 26 count indictment against Steve Raucci, the former Schenectady School District employee accused of arson and terrorism. The indictment alleges Raucci was involved in 14 separate incidents. [TU] [Daily Gazette]
Too much recyclable material is going into the Albany landfill, according to a consultant hired to examine the waste stream. The landfill is projected to be full by the end of this year. [TU]
The Rensselaer Common Council passed a measure that allows council members to be fined -- or even arrested -- if they don't show up for enough meetings. [TU]
The Troy board of education president says the school district's planned layoffs of 50 teachers could be avoided with the teachers' union agrees to forgo scheduled pay raises. The district plans to cut German, business and drama classes. [TU] [Troy Record]
The bottled water industry says bottled water may to be pulled from store shelves on June 1 because the industry won't be able to comply with the state's new barcode rules for bottles. [Daily Gazette]
Hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenue are at stake as a horse training facility in Saratoga has applied to be re-zoned. [Saratogian]
A Waterford woman has pleaded guilty to embezzling more than $500k from the New York Press Association. [Daily Gazette]
TGI Friday's says it's investigating how a snake head ended up in the broccoli served at its Clifton Park location. No word on whether the restaurant's manager declared "Get these mother#$% snakes off this mother#$% plate." [TU] [Consumerist] [AOA comment by Rob]
There will be no handshaking at the Sage Colleges graduation this year because of concerns about the transmission of flu. [TU]
Bars in Saratoga will serve free soft drinks to designated drivers as part of a program started by a Skidmore student. As one bar owner put it, designated drivers are doing the bars a favor. [Daily Gazette] [Saratogian]
Official at the Spa State Park are concerned about what appear to be increased numbers of fiddlehead rustlers. [Daily Gazette]
image: NYS Senate
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Re: There will be no handshaking at the Sage Colleges graduation this year because of concerns about the transmission of flu.
I hope they go MLB style & just spank each other on the butt as they pass by. Or if that doesn't work, I suppose headbutting will suffice.
... said Pantaloons on May 7, 2009 at 10:47 AM | link
University at Albany take note: I'm graduating next weekend and would rather not shake anyone's hand anyway.
... said Alex on May 7, 2009 at 11:31 AM | link
As long as you don't shove your hand in your mouth after you hit the stage, there's nothing to be worried about.
Now, if you stick your foot in your mouth...
... said Rochelle on May 7, 2009 at 11:39 AM | link
I'm envisioning a Sage graduation where the college president just flips off everyone from the stage and says, "Thanks for the tuition money, now get the hell out of my sight."
Now THAT'S what I call an introduction to the real world.
... said Siobhan on May 7, 2009 at 11:48 AM | link
Say it ain't so Yolanda!!
... said Summer on May 7, 2009 at 12:01 PM | link
Fiddleheads are excellent, the Troy farmers market had some last week but the vendor said he probably wouldn't the next week. I would laugh if he "harvested" from the side of the road.
... said bk on May 7, 2009 at 1:18 PM | link
"There will be no handshaking at the Sage Colleges graduation this year because of concerns about the transmission of flu. [TU]"
What a star-studded event Sage Commencement will be: first Jimmy Fallon, and now apparently Howie Mandel!
... said Kevin Marshall on May 7, 2009 at 2:38 PM | link
@Siobhan ...that's pretty much how *my* graduation experience from Sage College went....except it wasn't the president that flipped me off, it was pretty much the entire unethical administration....let's just say, for an art school, they sure love screwing over their own students...
... said capow on May 7, 2009 at 3:20 PM | link
@Kevin: I thought Jimmy Fallon was for St. Rose?
... said Summer on May 7, 2009 at 4:33 PM | link
you're correct. sorry kevin, you've got your "s" schools mixed up:)
... said jess on May 8, 2009 at 9:42 AM | link
Overharvesting the fiddleheads? A good example of tragedy of the commons happening every day...
... said madeline on May 8, 2009 at 3:24 PM | link