Flan at Mexican Radio

A couple of weeks ago, a "stuff to do this weekend" post prompted a discussion of the flan at Mexican Radio in Hudson.
Regular commenter B. -- and the restaurant itself -- claim it's the best flan around. And apparently a lot of people back that opinion up.
Being just a little crazy for custards, I figured I better look into that lofty claim myself. I admit I'm usually more of a creme brulee kind of girl, but flan's kind of like creme brulee's Latin American cousin, isn't?
Uh, sure. Anyways..... bet you want to know how it is.
It's very good.
Actually, it's delicious.
It's much firmer than most flan I've had before. Most of those now seem limp and mushy in comparison. This flan is tall and proud and almost needs to be cut with a knife -- unlike some of the easily spoonable ones other restaurants pass off. It's almost cake-like -- that's how thick it is. And yet, it's doesn't seem congealed either, which is pretty remarkable.
Instead of having all of the caramelization turn into a dripping liquid mess on the bottom, Mexican Radio's flan is coated with a thin caramel glaze at the top and it's the perfect shade of burnt orange. Seriously, have you ever had flan where the bottom winds up watery? It's kind of nasty. Who wants that? Not this flan fan.
One caveat: I don't agree with the sprinkling of powdered sugar. I'd prefer a sprinkling of cinnamon.
We split a $7 plate three ways because we were all totally stuffed, but my brother and I were still fighting each other for the last bite. As for Latina magazine's contention that it's the best flan in America-- I can't be sure. They probably know better than I do. But I'd at least go out on a limb and say it's the best flan in the area.
Anything further than that's going to require a little more delicious research. Hmmm...
Find It
Mexican Radio
537 Warren Street
Hudson, NY 12534
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It just melts in your mouth.. definitely delicious. Hudson's pretty cool too.
... said Jess on Jun 2, 2009 at 11:28 AM | link
I love Mexican Radio! and its a fun trip down to hudson. Their margaritas are pretty nice too!
... said Christina on Jun 2, 2009 at 11:49 AM | link
best flan i have ever had - though the rest of mexican radio experience does not even touch it...
... said skfl on Jun 2, 2009 at 11:53 AM | link
Actually had it once again with B last Saturday... It's good, but I'm not sure you should drive for that :) At least it's dense. BTW, what do you guys call a flan which lower third is actually coconut?
... said -S on Jun 2, 2009 at 2:43 PM | link
I'm not really a sweets gal, but their raspberry mole is so good. Never thought I'd live to see the day when someone referred to Hudson as "pretty cool." I'm thrilled!!!
... said Alison on Jun 2, 2009 at 2:55 PM | link
I'm glad we're making a run on Mexican Radio's flan. I'm sure when they look at their receipts at the end of the month they're going to think some anti-flan oprganization is out to destroy the world's flan supply, bite by bite.
No, it is really good. -S is just sketpical because there are flan cooks in his geneaology, which is fair I suppose because nobody, ever, anywhere, could make a rice pudding like my gram.
... said B on Jun 2, 2009 at 3:05 PM | link
...so this is BETTER than Goya box flan? Hm.
... said Max on Jun 3, 2009 at 10:30 AM | link
If you make the trip a MUST HAVE are the PLANTAIN RELLENOS. I like'em with beef; a great example of sweet and salty. Real comfort food.
... said JORGE on Jun 6, 2009 at 10:03 PM | link