Answers from Nathan LeBron

Nathan LeBron
A couple of weeks ago we asked for your questions for Nathan LeBron, the Republican candidate for mayor of Albany.
We talked with LeBron at his headquarters on State Street in Albany, near what's left of the Wellington Hotel (the part about the Wellington is significant only because the thumping you'll occasionally hear in the background is the sound of it being torn down.)
After the jump you'll find the answers to your questions, and a few of ours. The video is arranged so that you can watch him answer each question individually.
Last week we posed some of your questions to Mayor Jerry Jennings. Those answers are coming soon. Earlier this year we spoke with Corey Ellis and Shawn Morris.
Why do you want to be mayor?
What qualifies you for the job?
Are you really in this race to win?
This question was suggested by Geepers.
Why is Albany still a one party town?
This question was suggested by Rob.
Can a Republican win in Albany?
How would you make Albany safer?
What qualities would you look for in Albany's next police chief?
Where do you stand on the proposed Albany convention center?
How would you bring business to downtown Albany?
How should we deal with the problem of vacant buildings in Albany?
Do you support charter schools?
What should the mayor's role be in the schools?
How should we deal with Albany's aging infrastructure?
Albany just got a seven year extension on the landfill. What should they city's long term plan for the landfill look like?
Is transparency in government important to you? How would you go about making Albany's government more transparent?
Do you support residential parking permits?
Would you work to make Albany more bike friendly?
Say Something!
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Love this guy. Specific about his answers and not that BS sound bite crap you get from Jennings and Ellis.
This is fresh and new.
I'm voting for Lebron!!!!
... said AlbanyCommonSense on Oct 31, 2009 at 4:24 PM | link
Wow...he's right.....Albany needs a change. Nathan is the man who can coordinate these changes.
Jose M. Cruz
... said Jose M. Cruz on Nov 1, 2009 at 4:03 AM | link
Interesting point of information that goes toward crediting his character: he overcame spinal cancer growing up in Brooklyn and went to Harvard.
... said ph on Nov 2, 2009 at 12:04 PM | link
He passed away last night
... said Eric Scheirer Stott on Jul 20, 2016 at 8:28 AM | link