That's a lot of groceries on the bus

Leah Golby -- noted transit rider and Albany common councilwoman -- reports that she was able to save $38 on a rolling 31 day CDTA pass through Price Chopper's FuelAdvantage discount.


It is admirable to live a life without a car, especially in area like this. I never owned a car, but I also lived in places like NYC and Seattle, where doing so was not only possible, but easy to do (NYC more-so than Seattle, but in Seattle they had Flexcar when I lived there - and car sharing in an urban setting is the way to go!). I became permanently and totally disabled in 2007 and had to return to the Capital District to live with my mom. I am unable to drive due to all of the medication I take. I use paratransit (federally mandated public transportation for the disabled in communities where there is public transportation) - but am painfully aware of my carbon footprint's increase due to having to take these small, gas fueled buses to and from where I need to go. When I'm not taking paratransit, I am being driven around by my mom in her car. I recently saved $6 on 2 books of STAR tickets ($30 each) with the Price Chopper FuelAdvantage discount.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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