What about The Other Guys?

A shot from the opening scene of The Other Guys -- the sequence was filmed in downtown Albany.
The Other Guys, the Will Ferrell-Mark Wahlberg cop comedy that shot a scene in Albany, is in theaters today.
Is it any good? Metacritic gives it a score of 64 (generally favorable reviews). And Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 79 percent (certified fresh).
Here are a few clips from reviews...
A.O. Scott, New York Times:
When it operates in this nonsensical zone of verbal riffing and broad slapstick (the most inspired example of which is a brawl at a funeral conducted in respectful whispers), "The Other Guys" provides some pretty good laughs.
Scott Tobias, the AV Club:
Great casting takes The Other Guys most of the way: Ferrell draws a wealth of good material from his character's oddball ineffectuality, and he partners perfectly with Wahlberg, who's always best at his most incredulous.
Claudia Puig, USA Today:
The Other Guys is like a padded Saturday Night Live sketch. What would have been very funny for 15 minutes, and pretty funny for 45, doesn't maintain the standard over the course of a feature-length film.
Betsy Sharkey, LA Times:
There is something so richly subversive, so vicariously appealing about turning accountants into action heroes who aim their big guns at Wall Street Ponzi schemers that the idea alone makes the new buddy-cop comedy, "The Other Guys," clever and funny from the first frame.
Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly:
The movie is as antic and raucous and fun as any of the star's previous screen outings, only this one has a surprisingly personal flavor. It's Ferrell's richest riff yet on the comedy of conflicted aggression. (A-)
Andrew O'Hehir, Salon:
Don't come back and tell me I oversold this movie: It's a mixed bag with plenty of gags that fall flat, not a comic masterpiece. But it's got tremendous zing, a sense of mischief and a big heart, more than enough to mark it as a delicious shot of caffeinated ice cream, and the summer season's funniest comedy.
So, it sounds like it's pretty good. And it looks like the movie's opening scene was the one shot in Albany.
By the way: Duncan points out that both the Hollywood and Jericho drive-ins are showing a double feature this weekend: The Other Guys and Salt, the Angelina movie that shot in Albany.
Earlier on AOA:
+ Glimpses of Albany in The Other Guys trailer
+ Flipping over the Other Guys - YouTube video of one of the stunts being shot downtown.
+ Speeding Car + Ramp + Bus = Yeah!
screengrab: Columbia Pictures
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It definitely has some laugh out loud moments, and the scenes in Albany were a thrill. But aside from the amusing shenanigans of the protagonists, the plot is a bit dull.
... said Summer on Aug 9, 2010 at 9:59 AM | link