Consumer "non-confidence"

The higher the number, the more confident.
Check out this table from the Siena Research Institute's monthly New York State consumer confidence index.
Look at the split between Democrats and Republicans for confidence about the future of the economy. There's also a relatively wide split between upstate and NYC.
From SRI director Doug Lonnstrom:
Statewide our numbers are weak and depict worried consumers very reluctant to spend. Under the hood, we see Democrats saying the economic glass is nearly half full, but Republicans, 25 future index points lower, are now more pessimistic about their own prospects as well as the five-year state outlook than they have been since we began measuring consumer confidence in 1999. Over six of every ten Republicans expect poor business conditions in New York this year and widespread unemployment through 2015. Democrats forecast a somewhat rosier picture for the state and are much more likely than Republicans to insist that somehow, someway, they personally will be better off in a year.
As NYT reported earlier this week, New York City has fared relatively well during the recession (relative being the key word) -- and things are looking up there. That might explain some of the split -- both political and geographic.
Earlier on AOA: Optimism for the Capital Region housing market
table: Siena Research Institute
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?