AOA is hiring

We're looking to bend these curves.
The chart above is a quick organizational history of AOA. As you can see, we could use some extra people.
So, we're looking to hire a part-time associate editor. The job description is after the jump.
If anyone knows who might be the right person for this job, it's going to be the AOA crowd. So if someone spring to mind, please forward this along.
Any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact the editors.
All Over Albany is looking to hire a part-time associate editor. This is a contract job, originally slated to run four months. It could be extended based on how things go. The pay is surprisingly not bad.
The associate editor will do many of the things the original editors do: write, edit, moderate comments and develop ideas.
Here are the skills that you will need do this job:
+ The ability to write in a straightforward, engaging style.
+ Photo shooting and editing. You don't need to be Ansel Adams, but you do need to be able to use a point-and-shoot digital camera to take OK photos -- and use some sort of photo editing software to crop, adjust and re-size.
+ An eye for good ideas.
+ The ability to work quickly.
+ Familiarity with publishing platforms such as MovableType or Wordpress.
+ Facility with Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms.
+ Respect for the AOA crowd.
+ A sense of humor.
And here are a few skills that would make you an even stronger candidate:
+ The ability to edit and coach contributors.
+ Photo/image illustration -- because sometimes we like to photoshop cats onto skyscrapers.
+ Some facility with spreadsheets. We occasionally use them to wrangle numbers for charts, graphs, tables and light analysis.
+ Some familiarity with HTML and CSS -- we're not looking for a web developer, but knowing a few basics can help.
+ Video shooting and editing.
+ The capability to digest multiple, seemingly non-related foodstuffs over a short period of time -- for example: hummus, a taco and a fried candy bar. (Yes, the editors actually did that. No, they don't recommend it.)
The work schedule for this job will be somewhat flexible -- but there will be some time-of-day-specific work at least a few days a week.
This job will include deadline pressure. Sometimes those deadlines will be short.
This is a work-from-home/work-where-there's-wifi job. You must be the kind of person who can keep yourself on course.
AOA has a strict no-assholes policy.
Knowledge of the Capital Region is helpful, but curiosity and initiative are more important.
To apply, please send us your resume and links to your previous work. A few lines about why you might be good for this job would also be helpful.
editors |at| alloveralbany |dot| com
Say Something!
We'd really like you to take part in the conversation here at All Over Albany. But we do have a few rules here. Don't worry, they're easy. The first: be kind. The second: treat everyone else with the same respect you'd like to see in return. Cool? Great, post away. Comments are moderated so it might take a little while for your comment to show up. Thanks for being patient.
... said Laura on Oct 29, 2010 at 3:29 PM | link
Everything looked great until the "no assholes" rule. oh, well. ;-)
... said Ryan Naylor on Oct 29, 2010 at 11:28 PM | link
I think the no ass-hole clause needs to be in every single job requirements ever.
... said KatherineSass on Oct 30, 2010 at 12:13 PM | link
Dream job.
... said Rob on Oct 30, 2010 at 7:36 PM | link
Can I quit school and come back for this? I think I've learned enough in one quarter.
... said jess on Oct 31, 2010 at 1:34 PM | link