Capital Region indoor sports leagues

Yesterday's weather was such a tease: mid-50s? The sun shining? That's outdoor league sports weather to me. But then today it's back to reality: a high in the 20s with gusting winds.
Indoor team sports prevail for a few more months.
Fortunately, the Capital Region has a fair amount of indoor sports leagues to choose from. And forget the stress of being the new guys on a team, being picked last, or learning a new sport.
Local JCCs, YMCAs and community centers often have their own leagues and pickup games. The Ciccotti Center in Colonie has a men's and a women's league starting at the end of February.
For something a bit more intense, the The All American Sports Recreation Adult Basketball league promises to "make you feel like a PRO within your level of play." The league season's is already in swing, but you could try to sign up as a free agent.
Albany Dodgeball mixes athletics, philanthropy and fun Thursday nights from 8-10 pm at the Washington Ave Armory. People are encouraged to just show up and teams are picked by counting off in a line, so there's no fear of being picked last.
Also, there's a bartender working the nights of the games -- why wouldn't you want to play? And did you know Albany Dodgeball was involved in the world record for the longest dodgeball match ever played?
Flag Football
The All American Sports Recreation Flag Football league is apparently the fourth largest such league in the country. They have men, youth, and coed leagues and different divisions for varying skill levels. The winter season has already begun, but they also have a free agent option and a forum to find out if teams need players. They play at Afrim's.
The Albany County Hockey Facility has adult (high school or older) open hockey on most Wednesday and Sunday evenings. You must wear your full equipment. Wednesdays are $10, and Sundays are $12.
Indoor Soccer
Afrim's in Colonie has a bunch of indoor soccer leagues. Many of the leagues are underway, but they have a 9v9 soccer league starting in March, and their "Winter 3" session starting at the same time. The levels of each league are designated by experience: they have options for college athletes to those just learning the game.
Roller Derby
We're lucky in the Capital Region: we have three different roller derby leagues. The Hellions of Troy (who practice and play out of Schenectady), The Albany All-Stars (whose bouts are at the Washington Ave Armory), and the Capital District Men's Roller Derby (who have their first bout in April). All three leagues are recruiting.
Thinking ahead to spring? There are plenty of volleyball, outdoor soccer and softball leagues to choose from.
Men's and Women's rugby is an option, too. The Albany Knickerbockers Rugby Club welcomes 18+ and all skill levels. Their games begin in April.
And if you still haven't found a league that's right for you, Sportsvite (a website where you can create a member profile and browse local athletes and leagues) and Craigslist are both good places to look.
Earlier on AOA:
+ Sports leagues for adults?
+ Fun softball leagues?
+ Curling in the Capital Region
top photo: Sebastien B
group photo courtesy of Albany Dodgeball
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mm, rugby.
... said ethan on Feb 15, 2011 at 4:07 PM | link
There is also ultimate frisbee! Our indoor league for this winter is already closed but outdoor will start in May.
... said J Mac on Feb 15, 2011 at 4:11 PM | link
Thanks J Mac! I had no idea there was an indoor ultimate frisbee league. Good to know outdoor starts in May.
Is this your group?!/group.php?gid=57603983375&v=wall
... said Liz on Feb 16, 2011 at 2:27 PM | link
Um, that outdoor soccer link - I don't think that league is in our Albany, looks like California. Is there a league in our area?
... said shannon on Feb 23, 2011 at 7:16 AM | link
Thanks for catching that Shannon. Sorry about that.
It looks like Clifton Park might be starting up a women's adult league. Scroll down about halfway through:
The older information is here:
... said Liz on Feb 24, 2011 at 10:42 PM | link
Lynn's is the "other" league in Albany area, it is not the largest, but it's the very best run league! Contact the commish if you have any questions.
... said Pete on May 16, 2011 at 11:24 AM | link
Women's tackle football is also an option. The Roster is still open for 2017 Games start in April.
... said Bey on Jan 25, 2017 at 10:27 AM | link
Siena College is currently hiring for 6 new coaches for our Club Sports teams. These are paid, part-time positions that work with our teams throughout the school year. Links for each of the positions are included below!
Women's Club Soccer Coach:;jsessionid=C32A568B29061C56746B86E182A15CFC?JOBID=85398
Men's Club Soccer Assistant Coach:
Women's Club Volleyball Coach:
Men's Club Volleyball Coach:
Men's Club Baseball Assistant Coach:
Men's Club Rugby Assistant Coach:
... said Jason Homan on Jul 27, 2017 at 11:58 AM | link