You didn't actually ask, but...

Karner Blues hang with a notoriously tough crowd. (We might have made that up.)
Believe it or not, there are some people who don't visit AOA via a bookmark, feed reader, irresistible urge, or unconscious habit. (Yes, shocking, we know.) Many of these people come in looking for something via Google -- and sometimes we can't help but take notice of what they're looking for.
Well, as you know, we like to help. So even though you didn't actually ask, here's the (an) answer...
February 2: how many words can you make out of Albany
Using all the letters in one word? Uh, probably none. Breaking the letters into separate words yields some interesting results. From the anagram solver:
Anal By
Lab Nay
Lab Any
Alb Nay
Alb Any
Ably An
Nab Lay
Ban Lay
La An By
Many of those seem kind of dirty.
February 6: what do karner blue butterflies hang with
Well, they're butterflies, so probably a tough crowd.
Actual answer: the blue lupine and the sandy pine barren habitats where it lives (such as the Albany Pine Bush). Karner blues lay their eggs on the plants.
Karner blues have also been known to hang with a famous author.
February 7: where can i buy cool t shirts in albany ny
Cool is in the eye of the t-shirt wearer. But New York Old School has started selling shirts again, including the famed "Albany is Eggcellent" shirt.
And this area also happens to have some great t-shirt designers, among them Jess Fink and Andrew Gregory.
February 9: when is albany ny getting fios
You probably shouldn't hold your breath.
There was a report two years ago that Verizon had basically stopped the rollout of its fiber-optic-to-the-home service. And when we pestered the Verizon guys making repairs in our neighborhood recently about it, they gave us a gentle chuckle not unlike a parent explaining there is no Santa Claus.
Parts of the Capital Region -- including sections of Bethlehem, Guilderland, Colonie, Scotia -- do already have the service. And last year Verizon announced it was starting FiOS TV service there. So if you really want FiOS -- like, you can't live without it for some reason, or you have crippling internet addiction that no longer responds to DSL or cable -- you probably need to move to one of those areas.
February 21: why whole foods has no stores in upstate new york
Well, you're not going to get an answer from the company -- we've asked (they just tell you to watch their quarterly store announcements). So, let's speculate:
+ There aren't already other Whole Foods close by, so a distribution network needs to be set up or expanded.
+ The population isn't growing very quickly, so the competitors have to fight over a pie that's not getting bigger.
+ Many upstate communities haven't fared well economically -- and Whole Foods is not cheap. It's going to gravitate toward high incomes.
+ Because they sense our desperate need for external validation and find it off putting.
February 24: carmine to open bavarian restaurant albany
Wrong continent, but it does start with a "b." He's opening a Brazilian-style restaurant in downtown Albany modeled on churrascaria -- where the servers walk around with meat and custom carve servings. The countdown on the restaurant's website says it's scheduled to open next week. They've been posting updates on Facebook of the restaurant's construction.
March 8: when is shop rite opening in Albany
We checked with a rep for the company this week -- he said there was not an official date, yet. But we'd bet on April.
photo: Hollingsworth, J & K/US FWS via Wikipedia
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no Santa Claus?
... said Tim on Mar 9, 2012 at 1:12 PM | link
Carmine's Brazilian place was unloading furniture this morning. That's usually a good sign.
... said ethan on Mar 9, 2012 at 2:51 PM | link
I get a lot of "where can I get chicken pot pie albany ny" in Google searches for my blog, which I don't really know the answer to - and that is why I make it myself. Can anyone help that person who Googles it repeatedly (unless it is separate people) with the pot pie question?
... said Emily on Mar 9, 2012 at 4:26 PM | link
You forgot to mention that the Karner Blue hangs out with Fishers too!
... said Jessica R on Mar 9, 2012 at 4:59 PM | link
Emily, the Blue Ribbon Diner in Schenectady has awesome chicken pot pie!
... said Jessica R on Mar 9, 2012 at 7:43 PM | link
Was the video on Carmine's website weird for anyone else? That was terrifying.
... said Jess on Mar 9, 2012 at 8:21 PM | link
Hope Carmen's place is as good as La Fonda Del Soul where i dined in the city years ago.
... said mg on Mar 9, 2012 at 10:29 PM | link
McGrievey's in Waterford makes a really good chicken pot pie.
... said Char on Mar 12, 2012 at 8:37 AM | link