Someone finally sticks it to Andrew Cuomo

And it turns out that person was Dr. Nirav Shah, the state's health commissioner. He jabbed the governor with a flu shot Thursday.
The best line probably came from Jimmy Vielkind on Twitter: "I think this entire thing was an excuse for Andrew Cuomo to have a picture of his biceps in the newspapers."
As mentioned, this is turning out to be a rather active year for the flu. The recent wave prompted Boston to declare a public health emergency this week -- the city was robocalling people urging them to get flu shots. [AOA] [Google Flu Trends] [AP/ABC] [Boston Globe]
While it would have been better to get the jab a few weeks back (or earlier), it's still not a bad idea to roll up your sleeve for one. They're super easy to find this season -- you can walk into pretty much any Walgreen's/CVS/Rite Aid and get one at the pharmacy. It costs about $30 for the regular flu shot (it might be covered by your health plan). Sure, it takes a week or two for your body to build up immunity from the shot, but the flu could continue to be active for months.
And while you might think, "Eh, I'm relatively young and healthy, I'll be fine" -- that may be true, but if you pick up the virus you could end up spreading it to people who are not so young and/or healthy. There have been multiple studies indicating that vaccinating young people -- kids, especially -- ends up being a good way of protecting seniors from the flu.
Also: getting the flu -- the real flu, not just a cold -- sucks.
Here's a bunch of info about flu shots from the CDC (there are a few options, including a version that doesn't involve getting stuck with a needle). The health agency recently reported that this season's shot (it changes each year) is a pretty good match for what's been circulating.
In other news: We'll say it again, cover your mouth when you cough. Wash your hands.
photo: Cuomo admin Flickr
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Sis, and i got ours in the middle of Sept at CVS.
How come the gov waited so long?
... said mg on Jan 10, 2013 at 5:25 PM | link
So did the Governor pay for the flu shot - or was it billed to his insurance :)
... said Toga on Jan 10, 2013 at 7:32 PM | link
Actually, you should cough and sneeze into your elbow or arm. Covering your mouth with your hands only makes you and others more contagious.
... said CapHwys on Jan 10, 2013 at 7:35 PM | link
is Andrew doping?
... said DB on Jan 11, 2013 at 3:19 AM | link
I'm skeptical. Seems like marketing. Hard not to assume the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell more doses by creating a little public fear.
... said natalie on Jan 11, 2013 at 8:52 AM | link
@CapHwys, Very good recommendation for the "vampire" technique!
... said Jeff M on Jan 11, 2013 at 10:08 AM | link
@natalie -- right, flu is just a conspiracy by Big Pharm to sell more flu shots. And the gov't agencies that collect the statistics are in on it. Read up on the major flu pandemics in history.
I know of two otherwise healthy individuals who have become so sick with flu in the last few weeks that one was almost hospitalized. This is no joke, and no conspiracy. People die from this.
... said chrisck on Jan 11, 2013 at 11:42 AM | link
@Jeff M: Heh. I've never heard that described as the vampire technique.
Also: what chrisck said.
... said Greg on Jan 11, 2013 at 2:13 PM | link