The League of Extraordinary Red Heads

league of extraordinary red heads logoComing to Troy: the first meeting of the League of Extraordinary Red Heads. And by "meeting," they mean getting together for a drink at a bar (the best kind of meeting, really). The brief agenda: "1) Us. 2) Them."

The meetup is the idea of Duncan Crary, himself a proud red head. He tells us via email:

The main reason why I'm gatherin' the gingers is because I just think the whole thing is funny as hell. And we're a pretty fun bunch. Some red heads are shy and mellow, but the generalizations are, well, generally true. We're gregarious. Firey. Outgoing. Those are my kind of peeps.
You gotta have a sense of humor as a ginger because people say the most idiotic things to you about it every day. e.g. "Do the carpets match the drapes? Duh." Of course they do! It's only with blondes where you may be in for a surprise. ...
This is not to say that we plan to sit around and grouse about the trials of being a ginger at the League. But it's fun to be around other people with a shared life experience.

The meetup is January 30 from 5-8 pm at Bootlegger's on Broadway. There will be drink specials and free pub snacks. And from the blurbage: "Though the League is one of the most exclusive -- only one to two percent of the world has red hair -- the meeting will be held in the main barroom, where all shades of hair color are welcome to join in the fun and observe the spectacle of the 'Red Tide.'"

Yep, Duncan was our tour guide for the Troy > Albany Tour last summer.


I can't wait!! Finally a day for us Extra-beautiful people to get together & show off our freckles!!:)

Hah, I was just about to post some snark about the Red-Headed League, but luckily I read the write-up first and Duncan is already all over that.

Yes, we are far more extraordinary than those gingers in the "Red-Headed League" of Sherlock Holmes fame. And unlike the League of Extraordinary Gentleman, we have some pretty awesome women in our crew. ;)

As long as they don't run into The League of Extraordinary Grammar Nazis, everything should be turn out alright.

I'm not a red-head (my great-grandmother was) but this sounds awesome!

i'm looking forward to discussions about spf and how my fellow day walkers avoid the burn. being a red head really is a way of life.

Oooops. Looks like there's an extra "h" in the http for the League facebook page. It's

What a great idea! I'm not a red-head but I love them-my mother and daughter are both redheads!

I cannot make it tonight but I can't wait to find out when/where the next gathering is.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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