The week ahead

The Boss is back in town this week.
Here are a few things to keep in mind, look forward to, or keep busy with this week, from the weather (acceptable), to comedy, to mermaids, to food events, to lots of music...
Here's the paraphrased forecast for this week:Monday: Sunny and 83, maybe some rain overnight.
Tuesday: Cloudy, maybe some rain. 71.
Wednesday: Cloudy, scattered rain. Upper 60s.
Thursday: Cloudy, rainy. Mid 70s.
Friday: Same, but a bit cooler.
Weekend: Some sun, maybe some rain. Upper 60s;
Eddie Izzard
Monday: Comedian/actor Eddie Izzard will be at the Palace for a stand-up show. Monday 7:30 pm - $42 and up
Arts and sciences
Con Job
Monday: There's a screening of Con Job: Stories of Adjunct and Contingent Labor at The Madison. Con Job is a documentary about the the rise in the use of adjuncts in higher education -- it was made by two Saint Rose professors, Megan Fulwiler and Jennifer Marlow. (AOA Work Week interview with them.) Monday 7 pm - tickets are free
Don't Iron While the Strike is Hot!
Wednesday and Thursday: Don't Iron While the Strike is Hot! -- a historical musical about Troy labor leader Kate Mullany and the creation of the Collar Laundry Union -- will premiere at the Sage campus in Troy. Blurbage:
Without wealth, power or influence, Kate's determination and charisma persuaded 300 women to walk off of their jobs one February morning and strike for living wages and better working conditions. They won. The Collar Laundry Union was the first bona-fide Women's Labor Union in the Country. The musical gives some background of the collar industry and includes Troy personalities Emma Willard an Uncle Sam.
Wednesday and Thursday 7:30 pm, Sage Troy campus, Bush Memorial - $25 / $15 students
The Fee-Gee Mermaid
Wednesday: State Museum historian Jennifer Lemak and curator of vertebrate paleontology Robert Feranac will be giving a talk about the Fee-Gee Mermaid, "one of the New York State Museum's most alluring and mysterious artifacts." Wednesday 7 pm, Huxley Theater - free
Albany in the Age of Revolution
Wednesday: Jennifer Dorsey, director of the Center for Revolutionary Era Studies at Siena, will be at the Shaker Heritage Society in Colonie for a talk about the situation in which the Shakers set up there around the time of the American Revolution. "Mother Ann Lee and her eight followers set out to build a religious community in one of the most uncertain and volatile periods in American history. Join Dr. Jennifer Dorsey in exploring what the newly migrated Shakers were up against when they settled outside of Albany." 5:30 pm - $5
Film and stage
"Why did it have to be snakes?"
Monday: The AFI 100 series at Proctors is showing Raiders of the Lost Ark. Monday various times - $5
The God Game
Tuesday-Sunday: Capital Rep's production of The God Game continues. The play by Suzanne Bradbeer is about a US Senator nominated for vice president: "There's just one little hitch: he needs to sound just a bit more Christian. Trouble is, Tom is an agnostic, who thinks religion is a private matter, not to be mingled with public life or politics. His devout Christian wife, Lisa, will stand by her man, as long as he doesn't lie on the campaign trail just to get the job." Cap Rep's production runs through May 25. Tuesday-Sunday various times - $25 and up
A few food events this week:
Beer dinner
Tuesday: Beer writer John Holl -- editor of All About Beer Magazine, and author of The American Craft Beer Cookbook -- will be at the Ruck in Troy for a six-course Allagash beer dinner. Tuesday 6 pm - $55
Ciders and Sliders
Thursday: Nine Pine Cider Works is teaming up with the Slidin' Dirty food truck for a "ciders and sliders" night at the Albany cidery. Thursday 4-9 pm
Food truck festival
Friday: The Food Truck Festival of NY returns to Troy's River Front Park. Here's the lineup of food trucks. Also on the menu: live music. (Last year's event was popular -- it's worth employing some strategy.) Friday 4-8 pm - free admission
Tuesday: Bruce Springsteen will be at the TU Center. The Boss was last here in 2012. 7:30 pm - $38 and up
Monday: Joseph Arthur at Caffe Lena
Singer/songwriter. With: Jonah Tolchin. 7 pm - $22
Wednesday: Lockland Brakes at The Low Beat
Punk from Cincinnati. With: Eye and I. 6 pm
Thursday: Hayes Carll at Helsinki Hudson
Singer/songwriter from Texas. With: Caroline Rose. 8 pm - $22 ahead / $25 day of
Thursday: Many Trails at The Low Beat
With: Ohioan, Liv Carrow. 8 pm
Friday: John Legend at Proctors
And evening with... 8 pm - $25 and up
Friday: Red Molly at Troy Music Hall
Folk trio. 8 pm - $22
Friday: Lorelle Meets the Obsolete at The Low Beat
Psych rock from Mexico. With: Party Boat, Sun Burdens. 8 pm
Friday: Alan Evans' Playonbrother at Helsinki Hudson
"Electricfied soul rock." (From Soulive.) 9 pm - $15 ahead / $18 day of
Friday: Ustad Shafaat Khan at Old Songs
"[W]orld-renowned Indian Classical musician." 8 pm - $20 / $5 kids 12 and under
Saturday: Al Kooper at The Egg
"[L]egendary musician who spearheaded such groundbreaking groups as Blood, Sweat & Tears, Super Session and The Blues Project - and whose trademark organ riffs can be heard on classic recordings by Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Lynryd Skynyrd." 7:30 pm - $35
Saturday: Willie Nile at The Linda
Veteran singer/songwriter. 8 pm - $20
Saturday: Holly Near at Proctors
Folk singer. An 8th Step show. With: emma's revolution. 7:30 pm - $30 and up
Saturday: B3nson Does Blue at The Low Beat
Different acts playing Weezer's Blue Album in celebration of its 20th anniversary. 8 pm
Saturday: Eastbound Jesus at Caffe Lena
Northern rock. 8 pm - $15
Sunday: The Steel Wheels at Helsinki Hudson
Americana. 8 pm - $20 ahead / $25 day of
Sunday: Forever Came Calling at The Low Beat
Punk rock. With: Last In Line, Firestarter, Louder Now, Good Guys Bad Guys. 6 pm
These are a just a few things for this week, not a comprehensive list. Know of something people should be looking forward to this week? Please share!
Proctors, Cap Rep, The Palace, Live Nation, Troy Music Hall, and Nine Pin advertise on AOA.
photo via Bruce Springsteen FB
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CDPHP Workforce Team challenge race is on Thursday night! Be wary residents and people generally trying to go downtown on Thursday.
... said boya3706 on May 12, 2014 at 8:58 AM | link