Another rehabbed building in downtown Troy, and a restaurant for Slidin' Dirty

9 First Street in downtown Troy.
The owners of the popular food truck Slidin' Dirty announced today that they're opening a restaurant in downtown Troy. They're taking the space on the first floor of 9 First Street, a historic building which is currently undergoing a total overhaul that includes residential upstairs.
"We just sort of outgrew the truck," said Tim Tanney, who owns Slidin' Dirty with his wife, Brooke. "This space is going to allow us to do more with the truck, so the truck's not going to miss a beat, and then we're going to have this space."
The Tanneys started Slidin' Dirty in 2012 after deciding the startup costs for a fixed-location restaurant were, at the time, a bit too daunting. They renovated a former FedEx truck and put together a menu of interesting sliders and sides (such as avocado fries). They've since gained a strong following through regular presences at area events and spots such as the Empire State Plaza.
"Troy was absolutely the place we wanted to land," Tanney told the crowd gathered today for the building's tour. "We're thrilled to be in downtown Troy, and the direction it's going."
The projected opening date for the restaurant is later this year. The restaurant space still needs a lot of work, and the Tanneys said they'd be sharing more details as things get closer to an opening.
9 First Street
As mentioned, the building at 9 First Street, which is right next to the Rice Building just off River Street, is currently undergoing a total renovation. It was built in 1864 and originally served as a book store and bindery. It's been vacant since 1996.
The developer behind the project is Sequence Development, which is headed by Jeff Buell, a former Troy city official in the administration of former mayor Harry Tuntunjian. Like so many buildings in Troy, 9 First Street has some great space, it just wasn't in shape for modern use. On Friday Buell called the building "a diamond in the rough," and talked about some of the challenges in bringing it back.
They've made a lot of progress. The first apartment upstairs will be occupied soon, and the other apartments will be occupied by the end of the summer. Buell said they're aiming to have the restaurant space in shape by this fall.
Sequence is also involved with the redevelopment of three buildings at the corner of First and State streets. Buell said those projects, along with 9 First, will represent a $2.4 million investment in the block.
There a handful of photos from the building above in large format -- click or scroll all the way up.
Find It
The Flats at 9 First
9 First Street
Troy, NY 12180
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Awesome! Love this.
... said xina on Jun 27, 2014 at 6:39 PM | link
Wonderful news! Amazing to see a building like that come back to life!
... said Jessica R W on Jun 27, 2014 at 6:58 PM | link
It's been a whole six weeks since I moved out of Troy and I'm already starting to develop the "ugh, Troy gets ALL the cool stuff" jealousy.
... said Frank on Jun 27, 2014 at 7:19 PM | link
Now I'll always know where to find Slidin' Dirty. Congratulations to all involved.
... said Daniel B. on Jun 27, 2014 at 10:50 PM | link
Frank - you're welcome to visit anytime.
... said Thomas on Jun 28, 2014 at 6:51 AM | link
So happy for Tim and Brooke... they seem like such nice, down to earth people, and I'm sure they bust their butts to be as good as they are.
I've said for a while that Slidin Dirty is my favorite capital region restaurant, now it's official!
... said Jeff Williamson on Jun 28, 2014 at 8:27 PM | link
Congratulations. More great stuff for Troy.
... said seth on Jun 30, 2014 at 2:11 PM | link
Great news. But $1750 for rent for those apts? NYC or Toga prices no way! Keep the city humble, not greedy.
... said kim on Jun 30, 2014 at 11:06 PM | link