Pine Hills Spelling Bee for Adults

The spelling bee for adults is returning to the Albany Public Library's Pine Hills branch September 18. The first bee was last year and we hear it ended up being very popular. Blurbage for this year:
We'll begin the evening with some challenging team competitions to test your spelling skills. Then we'll start the main event where one member of each team competes in a traditional spelling bee. Teams may swap out players throughout the event, allowing for everyone to participate if they'd like. Snacks will be provided and the best teams will be handsomely rewarded with prizes.
Teams can include 2-5 adults. It's free to participate, but registration is required: call 427-4376, or email
The bee starts at 7 pm on Thursday, September 18. The Pine Hills branch is on Western Ave near the merge with Madison Ave. So there's that whole strip of restaurants just across the street for you team to celebrate its victory after the bee.
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?