It's important to remember… These scores are all based on the opinions of judges. And while the judges take it very (very) seriously, they are, in the end, just people with their own opinions. Your favorite shop hasn't scored well over the years? No big deal. If you like the pizza, that's what matters. Eat what you like. If anything, maybe the TOP can help you find a new spot that you might also like.
Numbers include all pizzas up to this point in all Tournaments of Pizza, excluding the first (non-modern) year.
TOP2014 averages compared to past years
The 15 shops with the highest all-time averages
Minimum two pizzas.
Distribution of shop averages, all time
Every pizza from the modern era
The data
If you're so inclined, here's an Excel spreadsheet (xlsx) of all the pizza scores from the AOA Tournament of Pizza's modern era.
Your concept of "a lot of pizza" changes after 172 174 pizzas.
Corrected to include numbers from the 2013 final.
The the 2014 Tournament of Pizza, sponsored by Keeler Mini -- the Tournament of Pizza to end all Tournaments of Pizza -- is almost finished. One last clash of champions remains for this Saturday.
That means it's time for some number crunching. And there are a bunch of numbers now that we have six years of scores in the modern 100-point-scale era of the TOP.
Let's take a look.

The Scoop
For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.
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DeFazio's 86 from last year has been omitted...again. Not that they need the extra boost.
... said ed on Oct 10, 2014 at 9:51 AM | link
@ed: You're right -- I forgot to add the scores from last year's final. Thank you for pointing that out. Updating now.
... said Greg on Oct 10, 2014 at 10:07 AM | link
You keep saying Marisa's fresh mozz "didn't travel well." Isn't it absurd that you are essentially penalizing them for using fresh ingredients? This seems incredibly unfair and would tend towards pizzas with lesser quality ingredients winning because they last better when delivered. There's nothing better than a fresh slice of pizza with real mozz right out of the oven, and having had Marisa's the quality is consistently high. Perhaps next year the tournament could happen with judges traveling to each restaurant to eat the slices/pies fresh, there? Seems like it would be fairer.
... said Greenguy on Oct 10, 2014 at 11:30 AM | link
I can't wait for the event on Saturday :)
... said Danielle Sanzone on Oct 10, 2014 at 12:00 PM | link
I'm surprised you haven't included Angela's, in Glenmont. It's not the location you might expect to find the best pizza in the region, butt find it you will!
Also surprisigly good is the hole in the wall place in the Hangouty Plaza at 900 Central Ave, next to the dollar store. Crispest crust I've ever hadoutside NYC.
... said neighbor on Oct 10, 2014 at 1:07 PM | link