Men suing Saratoga County over deputy's alleged misconduct, Liberty Ridge fined $13 thousand in discrimination case, signing off after 52 years

The two men who videotaped their encounter with a Saratoga County Sheriff's deputy that resulted in the deputy resigning and being brought up on charges, are gearing up to sue the county over the incident. [TU]

Liberty Ridge Farm has paid a $13 thousand fine for refusing to host a lesbian wedding on the farm. The farm's owners are appealing the ruling by the Division of Human Rights that they violated the state's anti-discrimination law. [WNYT]

The 85 year old man who was rescued after plunging his car into the Hudson River at the Corning Preserve on Monday night, has died. [TU]

The 63-year-old former Schenectady man whose body was discovered under Freeman's Bridge Road last weekend and is believed to have been there for more than two years, had never been reported missing.[TU]

A public hearing is slated for tonight on the plan to move rides from Hoffman's to the Huck Finn's Warehouse property. [TWCN]

An audit by the NYS comptroller's office shows the Watervliet School District fell from $1.4 million to a deficit of more than $200 thousand. [TU]

A pair of Ballston Spa police officers rescued a family from a burning apartment building over the weekend. [Gazette]

Eric Schneiderman's office is offering to help municipalities write laws to crack down on puppy mills. [News 10]

A public hearing on the proposed Ballston Walmart is slated for November 20 .

The Christmas tree at the ESP this year will be a blue spruce from Burnt Hills.[TU]

A battle in the revolt against our crow overlords is expected to begin today in Albany.[AOA][TU]

After 52 years on the Capital Region airwaves, radio host Bob Cudmore signs off this week.[TU]

Honoring veterans in the Capital Region. [TU]

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Recent Comments

My three year old son absolutely loving riding the train around Huck Finn's (Hoffman's) Playland this summer.

Thank you!

...has 27 comments, most recently from Ashley

Let's stay in touch

...has 4 comments, most recently from mg

A look inside 2 Judson Street

...has 3 comments, most recently from Diane (Agans) Boyle

Everything changes: Alicia Lea

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A few things I think about this place

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