Steuben Street Market

There's a new grocery store in downtown Albany. The Steuben Street Market opened at 58 North Pearl Street for the first time Wednesday, and will be open seven days a week.
The market's opening is notable because a grocery store has been a missing piece in downtown Albany's ongoing evolution into a residential neighborhood. Roughly 1,000 new residential units have been added downtown during the last few years, and residents, developers, and other business owners have all mentioned that the addition of a grocery could mark an important turning point for the neighborhood.
The Steuben Street Market -- on the ground floor of a building that was recently converted to apartments -- is something more like a small town/neighborhood market in size than supermarket (we'd say the interior is maybe a bit larger than a Stewart's). Its offerings include a range of grocery items, from produce, to baked goods, to canned goods, to stuff like cereals -- many of them organic. And there's a counter for sandwiches and other meals to go.
The market's owners are Chris Pratt and Alessio Depoli -- they own the Pearl Street Pub next door as well as The Capital American Eatery and Lounge on Pearl, Public House 42 on Eagle Street, and The Barrel Saloon in the Warehouse District. They're also in the process of buying the old Jillian's building across Pearl Street with the idea of converting it to multiple uses, including a music venue. Pratt's daughter -- Charissa Pratt -- is managing the market.
We stopped into Steuben Street Market Wednesday to have a look and talk with Pratt and Depoli about their ideas for the business and the direction of downtown Albany...
They're above in large format -- click or scroll all the way up.
When you were envisioning what sort of market you wanted to have, were there certain things you looked at as models or certain ideas in mind?
Pratt: I spend a lot of time in [New York City], so I looked at a lot of the markets down there. And my daughter and I went down there just visiting them. So that's the model we really wanted, to fashion it after kind of a hybrid of a market and a grab-and-go with prepared meals, to meet the needs of the residents down here.
Depoli: A smaller version of Whole Foods, basically. That's blowing up right now because people want to eat healthy, organic, gluten free. This is just a smaller version of that.
There's definitely that bent to the offerings in the store. They trend toward organic and all natural.
Pratt: 75 percent of what you're going find on the shelves here is going to be organic. Produce, we're going to carrying what they call the "dirty dozen," those are the 12 products that you should buy organic because the ones that are not use the most pesticides. We don't want to go too overboard. We want to welcome the people who want organic, but we don't we don't want to scare away the people who aren't into organic. Newman's is a very well known brand and that's an example of the products we've brought in. Kashi is pretty big. So those are the things we really looked for when putting it together.
Depoli: In the past 10 years I think the public has become very educated about what to eat. If you think 10-15 years back, people didn't look for organic items, the gluten-free craze wasn't there back then. So that's what I think the new markets need to move into.
Those products also come with a higher price tag. And you guys are always going to have somewhat higher prices because you're smaller. Do you have any concerns about that?
Pratt: The business model that we're really going after -- and what we're already seeing here on our first day and it's not even eight hours -- is that the grocery items, we've definitely marked them to make a profit, but the margin is very small. Our real profit is going to come from the deli and the grab-and-go prepared meals. That's really where we're going to find our profitability.
But it is a concern. I will say this: All of our pricing is pretty much in line with Honest Weight. We really went and looked and kind of went with the same margins. Whether we can hold them and maintain them is going to [depend] on people's buying habits. The one advantage that we do have, I believe, is that because we have four other restaurants, a lot of the produce that we buy, the perishable-type items, as the date gets closer we can funnel them to the restaurants and use them up there so we can minimize our waste.
Depoli: As far as people paying more for items, I think people like to buy from small, independent businesses. I work at Lincoln Pharmacy and our items are more expensive than what you might find at a grocery store. But it's been open since 1935 and people keep coming and buying because they want to support a local business. And it comes down to the relationships that you have with those people who have been coming for 20 years, and their parents before that. Me, as a pharmacist working at Lincoln Pharmacy downtown, I've come to have a special relationship with a lot of my customers and they come to me instead of the big chain stores because they know that we'll talk about their kids, and how they're doing, and it's a more personal experience. And people will pay an extra dollar or two for a more personal experience and customer service. And I think that's what people are looking for these days.
Pratt: We're a market, if not a market place. It's not just about coming in and getting food. My daughter is going to be running it, she's getting her masters in nutrition, so there will be a nutritionist here. We met with property owners and residents here and we're going to start receiving packages for them when there's no one here during the day -- and that's good for us because then they'll have to come here to pick them up. And I was just talking with Alessio -- they do delivery [at the pharmacy] -- to be able to offer that. Even though we don't do it, it just creates some sort of synergy that is more of a community and a marketplace.
There's been a lot of change in downtown Albany over the last year or two. What's your sense of where things are going?
Depoli: It's on the upswing. Albany hit the low probably 2-3 years ago. But people are moving down there, businesses are moving down here and I see a bright future for us. I think people should start looking in a positive light on Albany. I mean, we are the capital of the state of New York -- so we should start acting like it.
Pratt: If there are doubting people out there still, this building is a great example. Omni Development is one of the property owners in the city and they wouldn't put millions of dollars into a building to build 29 apartments if they didn't know that the trend was that people wanted to move downtown.
The responsibility of the city now is to make sure that the amenities are there that they need. So we just feel this is one piece of that. A patron that was just in here -- he works for the Albany Devils -- he said now that there's a market, I will consider living downtown now, because that was a big stumbling block.
This interview has been edited and condensed.
Earlier on AOA: Reading through the Impact Downtown Albany playbook
Find It
Steuben Street Market
58 N. Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12207
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THAT LOOKS AWESOME! And "open seven days a week?" I can get good food on a Sunday afternoon? Wonderful!
... said ethan on Jan 7, 2016 at 8:18 AM | link
I am so happy there is now a market downtown, where I work. I can't tell you how many times I've realized I am missing just one ingredient for dinner (usually something very basic) and struggle to find the time to get it during the day. This will be so much more convenient for me than driving to a supermarket during my lunch break, or going after work, when I have my two toddlers with me.
... said Marge on Jan 7, 2016 at 9:59 AM | link
I'm very excited about Steuben St Market - I visited them yesterday and love the store already - but this piece of info makes me very excited:
"They're also in the process of buying the old Jillian's building across Pearl Street with the idea of converting it to multiple uses, including a music venue."
... said Paul on Jan 7, 2016 at 10:06 AM | link
The market is great! I work a block away and everyone is very excited about it. I second the above comment about being able to grab ingredients for dinner - that's huge.
The Jillian's news is fantastic. In addition to a music venue, there's big demand for a gym down here now that the Steuben Club is closed. Afternoon hours for the 9-5 crowd, evening hours for downtown residents, great location.
I have two co-workers who just moved into downtown lofts. For the first time it seems like downtown living is really becoming desirable and possible. It's great to see the pieces coming together.
... said Nicole on Jan 7, 2016 at 10:40 AM | link
Albany -- and its downtown residents and workers -- deserves a place like this. Good things come to those who wait, and we sure have waited! (If you could sell ice cream and make a killer grilled cheese sandwich, that would be especially lovely.)
... said Nicole on Jan 7, 2016 at 10:52 AM | link
This is very exciting and fills in a very big puzzle piece for downtown. I think this a positive step towards nurturing the diverse set of commercial offerings being provided downtown to mate with the growing residential growth. While small in square footage, compared to the suburban super stores, it was anything but small in providing a comprehensive array of options that are difficult to obtain in the immediate area, when I stopped in to check out.
I'm also pleased with the weekend hours. While I love HWFC, I'm happy that I can quickly take the bus down to Steuben Street Market, rather than the long circular to HWFC, since it cut itself off from the main bus lines with its move (which is critical on Sunday's where there is reduced/limited service).
... said Rich on Jan 7, 2016 at 11:50 AM | link
The store is great. Stopped in for a Cuban sandwich and some fresh (still warm) bread. This is what downtown needs to help it be a more livable city. I wish them well!
... said Chris on Jan 7, 2016 at 12:31 PM | link
I share Paul's excitement about the possibility of Jillian's being a live music venue. The Albany/Troy area has desperately needed a quality venue in the 1000 person capacity range to compete with the lame (and far away...and in a strip mall) Upstate Concert Hall for years now. Revolution Hall, though smaller than that, was great when it existed and is sorely missed. I really hope this happens and I hope they do it right.
... said grandmastergus on Jan 7, 2016 at 6:31 PM | link
I neither live nor work downtown but I'm really excited for Albany to have something like this and wish them success. Having a market downtown makes living in the area a serious consideration for many people and encourages a vibrant neighborhood.
... said Rebecca on Jan 7, 2016 at 7:14 PM | link
I love your quote, " I mean, we are the capital of the state of New York -- so we should start acting like it." Great vision, great market!! Best of luck.
... said sam on Jan 8, 2016 at 11:07 AM | link
This is great, tell your friends, make it a success. As for the prices, it saves money and time to be able to grab lunch fixings or to be able to grab some groceries on the way to the bus home instead of making another trip.
... said Julie A on Jan 23, 2016 at 7:23 PM | link