"When Alexander Hamilton Called Albany Home" at the Schuyler Mansion

The Schuyler Mansion in Albany's South End. / photo: CC-BY-SA-3.0/Matt H. Wade at Wikipedia
Prompted perhaps by the spreading Hamilton mania (Hamilmania?) the Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site in Albany will be hosting two days of Alexander Hamilton-focused tours at the historic house -- March 19 and April 16.
Tour blurbage:
Alexander Hamilton (1757 - 1804), was a remarkable political figure who was "actively involved in nearly every aspect of the nation's founding" and, as the son-in-law of Major-General Philip Schuyler, was intimately connected with the city of Albany. Come join us as we examine Hamilton's relationship with the Schuyler family, and his connection to the Schuyler family home and to Albany itself.
Hamilton married Elizabeth Schuyler in 1780 at the mansion and the couple spent time in Albany. Hamilton also had a close relationship with Schuyler's sister, Angelica.
The Hamilton-focused tours begin at 11 am each day, with the last tour starting at 2 pm. Admission is $5 adults / $4 seniors and students / free for kids 12 and under. Reservations are required (434-0834).
[via Nicole]
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?