One change we did notice in the exterior renderings: some of the stock people depicted are different. In the past when we've posted project renderings here -- for the casino and other projects -- people have pointed out that the stock characters are almost always white. The new set of Rivers renderings out today includes what appears to be a more diverse crowd of figures.

The river-side view of the exterior.

The casino floor.

The event center.

More from the event center.

New set of renderings for the Schenectady casino

Rivers Casino gaming floor rendering

The backers of the Rivers Casino & Resort project at Mohawk Harbor in Schenectady released a new set of renderings for the project today. If you'd like gawk, they're after the jump.

The exterior look of the venue has been a point of discussion over the past year as the design shifted from the sleek look white panels and glass in the original proposal, to a more factory-like red/orange brick, and then after criticism from the public, back to something more like the first design. The exterior renderings released today look like those version 3 rendering from last summer.

Today's package of renderings also includes a few interior scenes. And they look like, well, a casino. There's also a look at the casino's "events center," which very much looks like a convention center ballroom.

The casino is currently projected to open in the first quarter of of 2017. [Biz Review]


Look up, they're above in large format -- click or scroll all the way up.


Garish and awful, right down the line. The people of Schenectady deserve better. The Mohawk River deserves better. Compulsive gamblers and alcoholics across the Northeast deserve better.

And a little old nuclear reactor right next door. How could they make this project worse?

@Dot Beech

What exactly do you expect a casino to look like? They are generally pretty gaudy.

At least the exterior is an improvement over the factory look they tried changing it to early last year.

But will there be a roulette table?

Think of how great it will look filled with eager players looking for a big score!

So, it looks like every other casino on the planet? Shocker.

The whole project is a disappointment. From the nearsightedness of the Schenectady campaign to the backhandedness of the "revised" aesthetic plans, it has been a mess since the beginning. While I appreciate the efforts to create some buzz for the Electric City, casino projects have never brought a sustainable development trend to any area, only a shirt-term blitz of consumerism. This casino will look old in 5 years, just about the same time that the impact will become non-existent.

Wow, could it be more glaring, and BLEH!
How about making it look classier.
Bring in the blue, pink, and purple haired little old ladies with their walkers, and depends.
The high rollers have left the country & and are on the net!

That casino will be dead in six months a year. This area just doesn't have the population to support it and there are plenty of casinos in the places this one could draw from. New York missed the casino boat by decades.

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