The Capital Region is growing. Slowly.

The deeper the green, the higher the percent population growth between 2010 and 2015. The deeper the gray, the higher percentage of population loss. There's a clickable map after the jump (actually, multiple maps).
The population of the Albany metro area was 881,830 as of last July 1, according to Census Bureau estimates released Thursday. That's up 1,739 people -- 0.2 percent -- compared to the same point in 2014.
The Capital Region is up 11,117 people -- 1.28 percent -- from 2010, according to the estimates. Its population growth (by percent) during that time ranked #260 among the 381 metro areas.
So what makes up that modest growth?
Well, births outpaced deaths by 7,670 during that period. And people moving to the area outpaced people moving away by 4,462. During this decade there's been a pretty big influx of international migration to the Capital Region -- almost 13,500 people. But domestic migration -- that is, people moving out of the Capital Region to some place else in the US -- was almost -9,000 people. (Over that same period New York State's estimate net migration was estimated to be -22,308, because it was -653,000 in domestic migration.)
Still, compared to other upstate metros, the Albany area has done relatively well. Binghamton, Buffalo, Elmira, Glens Falls, Kingston, Syracuse, and Utica-Rome were all estimated to have lost population between 2010 and 2015. The Capital Region's increase of 1.28 percent was second to that of Ithaca at 3.28 percent. (The Ithaca metro is much smaller -- just 104,926 in the 2015 estimate.) Rochester was up .21 percent.
New York State's population as of last July was estimated to be 19,795,791, up just a bit from the year before. (Florida continues to pull away with third place nationally.)
The Census Bureau also released county numbers, so we whipped up a few maps for New York. They're above in large format -- click or scroll all the way up.
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