Messages from the "Inaugurate Resistance" march and rally in Albany

Thousands of people marched in Albany Saturday as part of the "Inaugurate Resistance" event, one of many similar marches around the country coinciding with the Women's March in DC.
We wandered through the crowd to ask a bunch of marchers why they were participating -- and what message they hoped to send by being there.
"I came here for women. There's power in numbers. We certainly helped to start a movement and be part of a movement all over the country."
Nathalie - from Troy
"I'm demonstrating solidarity with everyone in the United States that did not vote for this president. I hope it tempers the Republicans generally -- not just Trump specifically -- to understand that there is a large group of people who have different points of view and it would be wonderful to include that diversity of ideas and thought."
Virginia - RN and childbirth educator
"I'm hoping that this will impress upon Donald Trump that we are dissatisfied with his message of carnage. This is not carnage, this is freedom and liberty and we are telling him what we want."
Iggy and Claudia - from Albany
Claudia: "We are here in the name of decency."
Iggy: "I have four daughters. I had to be here."
Mike - MSW student
"Momentum. I hope today isn't the last day that all these people are going to do something. That they are going to keep going."
Ivy - from Albany
"For me, it's following a tradition of me being able to be here among everyone else. People marched so that I would have the freedom to do so. I work in a lot of community organizations. Here in Albany even though they are small we have a big group of activists and they are very dedicated. So this is only ramping it up now, to make sure that all the things we want -- equality across the board -- that we are going to get it."
Lisa - from Waterford
"I'm hoping that Trump realizes that us women aren't going anywhere -- we matter. And to protect our health care and Planned Parenthood and protect our rights and let him know that we are not letting him take them away from us. And we are going to fight for our children and our grandchildren. I'm walking with my daughters and granddaughter and we are standing here and I'm hoping that Trump realizes that us women are not going away we matter. We all matter."
Sharon - from Troy
"I hope that people will remain vigilant and just keep their eye on what is happening in Washington because I think it's critical to our nation. "
"I feel like this whole process has been so polarizing -- if you're not with us you're against us -- it's us and it's them. And i just think there are so many issues that are not black and white, they are gray. And we need to have conversations across our differences and that is what my sign says. I can't be classified as one thing. The issues are too big for that. So I'm here just to say I'm not ok with what happened on Friday and we have to find a way to talk about issues that are so multifaceted that they deserve our attention."
Christina - from Gloversville
"To enlighten people and educate people and just to let them know that we are all united and we stand united."
Caroline - from Schenectady
"I just hope that everyone can stand together -- I think it's beautiful that everyone comes together -- both women and men. I'm so happy to be here as a female immigrant from Germany, standing with so many others."
"I'm teaching my daughters that if they don't agree they should speak out."
Keith - professor in School of Social Welfare at UAlbany
"I hope that people are going to come out here and really try to make a difference -- make a change instead of just sitting back. I think just writing letters to policy makers, maybe helping a neighbor -- saying we have to do better."
Kay - Sister of Saint Joseph
"I hope we will be more united and he will listen to other voices as a president."
Elsie - student
"My mom was the first female in my town to run for mayor. She lost but it was a hell of a campaign. I'm here because I believe in the idea of building rather than destroying. We are not trying to tear something down, we are here to build something up. We are trying to build up a resistance. Even though the country might be divided there's still a core of people who stand together for certain ideals."
Julia - from Long Island
"I think that a lot of people have been very despondent recently -- sort of disengaged and upset and I think this is an opportunity to get re-engaged and invigorated. Hopefully we can get people to sign up for activist activities and getting people on email lists so we can bring action."
Carrie - from West Sand Lake
"I think we are just hoping that the powers that be will pay attention and listen to us -- that it's not OK to take away our rights. That it's not OK to do things that harm our citizens."
Shelby - student
"I just think it's really important for Washington to know how the people around America actually feel about this election. It's been very clear throughout this entire time that maybe the Electoral College vote didn't accurately reflect the opinion of the public. And I think all the signs out here today are a good way to let Washington know how we really feel."
Mercedes - student
"Personally, I'm fighting as a black woman in the LGBTQ community and I'm fighting for my children and the children of the future. I also plan on being a teacher and I feel like this person in power is not the person for our future. I hope this will just create a voice and hopefully that voice will be heard."
"I have been very sad and disillusioned since President-Elect Trump mocked the disabled reporter and very bewildered and betwixt by all of this. So I feel like I'm not alone when I am here and that there is the beginning of hope. I think democracy is a full contact sport."
Paula - from Saratoga
"I'm hoping it can send the right message to President Trump that everybody matters, he is here for everybody and to be more positive."
Lourd - student
"I hope that it raises awareness for the problems that we have in the country and we won't accept this new solution, that this prejudice and this hate and this bigotry is not the way to go."
"I am hoping to realize that I am not alone. And I appreciate knowing that there are all of these other people that feel my frustration and nervousness. I hope that the spirit of camaraderie and this togetherness will push forward through the next four years."
Nurul - international student from Indonesian
"Showing solidarity. This is really great -- it shows a wake up of what people stand for. There are a lot of issues I am close to -- health care, immigration. This is a start. This is not the only way people show resistance and solidarity. This should not be the only thing."
"I came here to show my daughter what thousands of people speaking with one voice sound like -- and I think she's getting the picture."
Earlier on AOA:
+ Photos from the "Inaugurate Resistance" march and rally in Albany
+ Voices from the Albany rallies for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump (2016 April)
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I can't be more proud of everyone showing there support, and voicing their concerns...every ones opinion matters both women and men of every race, color, creed,...we all have one thing in common and that's our hearts...I just feel that what Mr Trump has said during his election was wrong and being a black woman I strongly feel he has no right to take away our civil rights...every souls voice needs to be heard and I truly agree its so much more than black and white issues there's so many problems in this world that needs to be addressed and I really hope he is ready to address these problems head on...and a nation divided is definitely not the solution it is the problem!!!
... said Karen on Jan 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM | link
As a father in my late-30s, it broke my heart to see the look of genuine and legitimate fear in all the 7-13 year old girls eyes. They are children. They shouldn't have to fear their president. Nonetheless, I feel like a whole generation of women leaders were baptized Saturday. Thirty or forty years from now there will be inauguration speeches referencing January 21, 2017. For now, our job is to keep the fire burning.
... said JB on Jan 24, 2017 at 9:12 AM | link
I couldn't be more proud of my neighbors- all ages, all races, all types marching powerfully and peacefully with a voice and an energized purposes. We are Woke. We are Charged. And We are talking back the country.
... said Michael McDermott on Jan 25, 2017 at 1:46 AM | link
THESE PHOTOS ARE BEAUTIFUL BECAUSE THE PEOPLE- EACH 0NE AND COLLECTIVELY----are beautiful!!!From Albany to NYC to Washington D.C. to global ! This a beginning-please sustain your energy to Resist, Resist, and resist some more . Love to all,Mabel
... said Mabel Leon on Jan 25, 2017 at 12:22 PM | link
How can we find out about future events?
... said Kay on Jan 26, 2017 at 4:09 AM | link