The week ahead

The ValleyCats wrap up their home regular season this week.
Here are a few things to keep in mind, look forward to, or keep busy with this week, from the weather (sunny), to baseball, to county fairs, to outdoor movies, to nanotech, to swimming, to music...
Here's the paraphrased forecast for this week:Monday: Sunny and 88.
Tuesday: Sunny and 94.
Wednesday: Sunny and 92.
Thursday: Sunny and 81.
Friday: Sunny and 79.
Sunny, they say.
All the summer things
This is it -- September starts on Saturday and Labor Day is next Monday. Summer is ending. So do all those summer things you've been wanting to do.
The Track
It's the last week of the season at the Saratoga Race Cours, which wraps up on Labor Day. (And, of course, there is no racing on Tuesday.) The big race this week is the Woodward Stakes on Saturday.
Monday-Tuesday: The ValleyCats have a wrap up their home regular series against Aberdeen at The Joe. Monday is Bark in the Park. And there are fireworks after Tuesday's game. Monday-Tuesday 7 pm -- $6.50 and up
County fairs
County fair season wraps up this week with three fairs around the region:
+ Wednesday-Labor Day: The Schaghticoke Fair at the fairgrounds in Schaghticoke. It's the county fair for Rensselaer County. This is the 198th year for Schaghticoke Fair -- it's said to be the 3rd oldest fair of its type in New York State.
+ Wednesday-Labor Day: The Columbia County Fair at the fairgrounds in Chatham.
+ Wednesday-Labor Day: The Fonda Fair at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. It's the county fair for Fulton and Montgomery counties.
Bites Camera Action
Monday: The Bites Camera Action outdoor movie series in downtown Albany wraps with Guardians of the Galaxy (rescheduled from earlier this month). The movie will be on the big video screens outside the TU Center. South Pearl will be closed from Beaver to Hudson starting at 6:30 pm. And Youth FX films will be screened at 7 pm. Monday 7:30 pm -- free
Summer in the City: The Lion King
Tuesday: The Palace's Summer in the City series of free kid-friendly screenings will be screening Moana. An ice cream social follows the screening along with kid-friendly activities. Tuesday activities at noon / movie at 1 pm -- free
Capitol Park After Dark
Wednesday: The Capitol Park After Dark series is in West Capitol Park in Albany is showing the classic West Side Story. Wednesday 8 pm -- free
Science on Tap
Tuesday: The Science on Tap series is at Brown's in Troy. SUNY Poly professor Kathleen Dunn will be talking about nanotechnology. "Nanotechnology is pervasive in modern life - inside our gadgets, our vehicles, our hospitals and even our cosmetics. But how much do you really know about it? This talk will introduce you to Nanotech and what makes it more than 'all the normal technology, just smaller!'" Tuesday 7 pm -- free admission
Here's a big list of public pools and spray pads around the Capital Region. Some have already closed, and many more will be closing after this week.
Free summer concert series
Free summer concert season nears an end...
Lunchtime at the Plaza
Wednesday: The Lunchtime at the Plaza series of lunchtime shows (thus the name) at the ESP has Soul Session Duo. Wednesday at noon -- free
Upbeat on the Roof
Thursday: The Upbeat on the Roof series at the Tang Museum on the Skidmore campus has improvisational jazz with Arthur Brooks Ensemble V. Thursday 7 pm -- free
Freedom Park
+ Wednesday: The concert series in Scotia's Freedom Park has Grand Central Station. Wednesday 7 pm -- free
Monday: SPAC on Stage: H'SAO
"Montréal-based band from Chad, H'SAO is known for its unique blend of modern sound and traditional African musical influences." 8 pm -- $40 and up
Tuesday: Jean-Luc Ponty & 'The Atlantic Years' Band
"The undisputed master of jazz/rock violin." 7:30 pm -- $39.50
Wednesday: Royal Wood at Caffe Lena
Singer/songwriter. 7 pm -- $18
Thursday: Dom Flemons "Black Cowboy Tour" at Caffe Lena
"Grammy winner Dom Flemons is the 'American Songster,' pulling from old-time folk music to create new sounds. During the past few years he has been heard by millions as part of his trio, the Carolina Chocolate Drops." 7 pm -- $26
Friday: Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy "Visions from Cape Breton and Beyond" at The Egg
"Two of the world's most celebrated fiddlers." 7:30 pm -- $36
Friday: Blue Ranger, Zan & The Winter Folk, Oobleck at River Street Pub
Folk rock + funk.
Saturday: Wynton Marsalis Quintet at Tanglewood
With a performance by the Ellis Marsalis Quintet. 7 pm -- $29 and up
Saturday: Cory Henry & The Funk Apostles at MASS MoCA
"As a member of jazz-R&B collective Snarky Puppy, Cory Henry has won three Grammy Awards and earned a spot on the proverbial Mount Rushmore, among the greats who play contemporary keys." 8 pm -- $24 ahead / $34 day of
An Evening with Tom Rush at Caffe Lena
"A mainstay of the '60s folk revival, Tom Rush has enjoyed a long-running career spanning seven decades." 4 pm and 8 pm -- $65
Saturday: The Dead Daisies at Upstate Concert Hall
Rock. With: Dizzy Reed's Hookers & Blow, Frozen Sun. 8 pm -- $18 ahead / $20 day of
Sunday: Steve Martin and Martin Short at Tanglewood
"An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life with The Steep Canyon Rangers and Jeff Babko." 2:30 pm -- $32 and up
Sunday: Celia Woodsmith Album Release with Say Darling at Caffe Lena
"A veteran of the Boston Rock scene, and a GRAMMY Nominated vocalist of Bluegrass supergroup Della Mae." With: Rebel Darling. 7 pm -- $20
These are a just a few things for this week, not a comprehensive list. Look for out "Stuff to do this weekend" list for the upcoming weekend on Friday.
Know of something people should be looking forward to this week? Please share!
AOA is a media sponsor of At The Plaza.
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?