Maybe this is the year you sprint down Lark Street while scantily clad (for charity, of course)

The Albany Santa Speedo Sprint is Saturday, December 15 this year. And registration is open.
The sprint -- organized by Albany Society for the Advancement of Philanthropy in association with the Albany All-Star Roller Derby -- is now its 13th year. It is one of the goofiest, happiest events of the year as people sprint down Lark Street in all sorts of swimwear, pajamas, holiday wear, and costumes all while people line the street cheering them on.
Here are photos from last year's sprint.
Over the years the sprint has raised tens of thousands of dollars for the Albany Damien Center and the HIV/AIDS program at Albany Medical Center.
It's $25 to take part in the sprint, though additional donations are accepted (of course) -- some people gather pledges. And the first 175 people to register get t-shirts.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?