Items tagged with 'Miss Pearl'
Miss Pearl: Can you learn to fall in love with a place?

"Miss Pearl" is AOA's advice columnist. She offers advice here now and then. Got a question for Miss Pearl? Send it along to MissPearl |at| alloveralbany |dot| com.
Dear Miss Pearl:
I realize this makes me sound like an asshole, but whatever, it's how I feel. So, here it goes: I don't like living here. I want to. But I don't.
Miss Pearl: What should I do about the neighbors who don't shovel their sidewalk?

"Miss Pearl" is AOA's advice columnist. She offers advice here now and then. Got a question for Miss Pearl? Send it along to MissPearl |at| alloveralbany |dot| com.
Dear Miss Pearl:
We have this one couple that never shovels their sidewalk. In the handful of years we have lived there, I think I have seen them shovel the sidewalk maybe once. The snow just piles up and gets trampled down. By the end of the winter it looks like a glacier or ice skating rink or something. It is so bad that a lot of people just end up walking in the street around their stretch of sidewalk.
Miss Pearl: Who you calling honey, sugar?

"Miss Pearl" is AOA's advice columnist. She offers advice here once a month. Got a question for Miss Pearl? Send it along to MissPearl |at| alloveralbany |dot| com.
Dear Miss Pearl:
I'm a woman in my 30s working in an office setting. Recently, I was partnered with an older guy (maybe in his 50s) to work on a short-term project. He often referred to me as "hon" and occasionally "sweetheart" when he wanted to change it up a little. And when said it he wasn't being condescending or anything like that. He's a nice man, a bit odd, perhaps a bit clueless.
I didn't really mind that much, given his personality and, ummm, oddness.
Miss Pearl: An eye toward Bethlehem, and not feeling friendly

Please welcome "Miss Pearl," AOA's new advice columnist. She'll be offering advice here once a month. Got a question for Miss Pearl? Send it along to MissPearl |at| alloveralbany |dot| com.
Dear Miss Pearl:
We live in Albany. We have a cute (small) house on a nice street. And I'll always have good memories of starting our family here. But we want to have another baby. So we need the space. And our child will be starting school in a few years. And... we're thinking about moving out of Albany.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?