Stuff to do this weekend

The festival is a week away, but the tulips just couldn't wait.
Hey, guess what? It's the weekend already.
No plan? No worries.
After the jump you'll find the weekend round-up of stuff that looked like fun to us.
Did we miss anything? Let us know.
And have fun.
1st Friday
Shops and galleries all over Albany are open late with music and art. Here's the schedule. Don't forget your umbrella. And while you're out, remember, $1 gelato is back at Crisan.
Everybody Dance
After 1st Friday, stop by the monthly Capital Swing Dance at The Albany Elks Club on South Allen St. There's a beginner lesson at 7:30 and dancing until 11:30 with music by Josh Fialkoff's J-Street. Admission, including 7:30 beginner lesson $15, $12 members, $10 students, seniors.
Return of the poetry game show
The YES, READING! folks are bringing back the poetry game show tonight at Townsend Park Bakery. There's also a reading by playwright, poet and -- um-- "aspiring nihilist" Eric K. Auld. Things get going at 7. Oh, and it's BYOB.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Albany's Palace Theater is having a Sound of Music sing-a-long. Those of you who love "The Sound of Music" can join together at The Palace, watch the movie, and sing along with Julie Andrews and the seven Von Trapp kids. Those of you don't like The Sound of Music-- consider yourselves warned. Lederhosen are not required but there is a costume contest. Apparently there's also cheering, booing and talking back to the screen. Sounds a little like Rocky Horror. But-- you know-- with nuns instead of transvestites. $25, $12.50 for kids.
Lots of good music in the CR once again this weekend. Our picks:
Railbird, Matthew Loiacono and Cuddle Magic are at The Parting Glass in Saratoga Springs tonight. $10 cover.
Valentines has a great weekend planned. Tonight !!! (chk chk chk) will be upstairs with Beware! The Other Head of Science ($12). Meanwhile, downstairs, Scientific Maps are playing with Mike Gent and the Rapid Shave.
Montreal's indie rockers The Dears will be at Valentines on Saturday ($12). And on Sunday at 7 it's Sgt. Dunbar and the Hobo Banned.
The New York State Writer's Institute is showing "Nana," one of the early silent films of Jean Renoir with live keyboard accompaniment. The story of a Parisian streetwalker who charms Second Empire French aristocrats is based on an Émile Zola novel. Page Hall on UAlbany's downtown campus. Free.
We love her on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me. Tonight comedian Paula Poundstone comes to Proctors for two shows. 7:30 and 9:30. $32.
Local comedians will try out their acts at another Comedy Open Mic night at The Lark Tavern on Sunday. Sign up starts at 7:30 and the show is at 8.
See a play
David Mamet's Boston Marriage is at Capital Rep. this weekend. Michael Eck says it's a good time. Tonight at 8, Sat at 4 PM and 8:30 and Sun at 2:30. $27-$43. Heads-up-- if you're under 30, show them your id and you'll save 10 bucks.
The Philadelphia Story is at The New York State Theater Institute in Troy. It's a fun little romantic comedy originally written for Katherine Hepburn. Tonight and Saturday at 8 and Sun at 2. $20, $16 seniors and students, $10 children.
The annual Saint Clements Horse Show is underway at the Yaddo grounds across from the racetrack in Saratoga Springs. Equestrians and their equine will compete for ribbons. For everyone else, it's a chance to eat fair food and watch pretty horses. $3 for adults. Kids are free.
Brunch for the Community Gardens
The Capital District Community Gardens is hosting its 22nd Annual Spring Brunch & Silent Auction on Sunday morning at The Siek Campus Center at Hudson Valley Community College. Restaurants from all over the Capital Region are donating food. They'll have a silent auction and kids activities. 10AM-2PM. $25 Proceeds benefit the Community Gardens and the Veggie Mobile.
Take the Vanguard Showhouse tour
It's always fun to sneak a peek at someone else's fancy digs--especially when they've been decorated by a group of fabulous designers. The "green themed" Vanguard Showhouse is open for tours this weekend. Tickets are $18, but you can print a $3 coupon at their website. Proceeds benefit the Albany Symphony Orchestra.
Craft show
Cathy Frank and the Women's Club of Albany is holding are holding a sale this weekend called "Springtime Art & Craft Show: Thinking of Mom and Tulips" at 725 Madison in Albany.
Personal photos
Carrie Haddad -- of the eponymous Hudson gallery -- will be talking about her personal collection of photos Saturday at 4 pm. Free
Make a Macaroni Necklace
Moms always like home made presents. Take advantage of the rain to work on a hand made Mother's Day gift at The Albany Art Room.
Tulip peeping
The festival doesn't happen until next weekend, but tell that to the tulips. They've been popping up all over the Capital Region for a couple of weeks now, so grab you camera and take a walk.
Say Something!
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you guys are fantastic. i mean it. we thank you for the mention!
... said Aaron on May 1, 2009 at 11:15 AM | link
Wow there's seems to be a lot going on tonight.. yay for 1st Friday!
... said Jessica on May 1, 2009 at 11:37 AM | link
You should check out Over the Tavern at Curtain Call Theatre in Latham. Great show, great cast, intense but fun.
... said Mark Shipley on May 1, 2009 at 8:36 PM | link