Stuff to do this weekend

Moby will be on the main stage at Larkfest, right in front of Crisan. Yes!
You know how some weekends there's so much to do you can't work it all in, and other weekends you're just sitting around looking for something, anything, to get you out of the house? Yeah, this is going to be that first kind of weekend.
There's so much good stuff going on, you're going to wish it was two weekends. So take a look at the list, pick a few of your favorites and pack in all you can.
And if we missed something important, let us know.
See you at Larkfest.
Garage Bands
The delta blues bandRed Haired Strangers highlights the last APL garage band concert of the season. You can catch them tonight in the garage behind the Albany Public Library's Washington Avenue Branch. Free!
Schenectady Art Night
The Electric City is open late tonight with music, art and other fun stuff. Here's tonight's schedule. If we were there we'd go get a chocolate pizza at Aperitivo.
Music and ice cream
Wander over to Emack and Bolio's tonight and catch Sea of Trees. 7-10.
Noche: a Night in the Mediterranean
Maria Zemantauski, Taina Asili & Gaetano Vaccaro and the Prometheus Greek Orchestra will perform at TheGrand Street Community Arts Center tonight at 7. There's a sliding scale for tickets -- from $7-$20
Sophia Loren in Troy
Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni star in "I Girasoli", tonight's feature in Troy's Cinema Under the Stars in Little Italy. The film will be shown tonight at 8:45 outdoors in Troy's Little Italy Marketplace. If it rains they'll show it in The Gasholders building. The movie and the popcorn are free.
Lark Fest
Music and Art on Lark Street all day tomorrow. Moby is on the mainstage but don't forget to visit the 518 Stage to see We are Jeneric, Scientific Maps, Sgt. Dunbar & the Hobo Banned, Beware!The Other Head of Science and Matthew Loiacono.
Hispanic Heritage Celebration
This celebration gets going with a parade that leaves from Washington Park at 2PM on Saturday and heads down to the Empire State Plaza. On the plaza there will be Latin Music, food and art all afternoon. Free.
Post Lark Fest Bash
Local bands Aficionado, Caleb Lionheart, Prima and The Estate Sale are playing Bogies for the unofficial post-Lark Fest Bash. 7PM Saturday. $5
Irish Fest
The 13th Annual Capital Region Irish Music and Arts Fest gets underway Friday at its new home at The Saratoga County Fairgrounds.
Rev Hall Benefit
Sean Rowe headlines a benefit concert at Revolution Hall on Saturday night. Proceeds go toward UNICEF's efforts to abolish child sex slavery. $10, $7 for students.
Roller Derby
The Albany All Stars kick off their season on Saturday night at the Washington Avenue Armory. Doors open at 5:30, Whistle at 7. $10, $4 under 12.
Shear Madness
It's the last weekend to catch the comedy/who dun it, "Shear Madness" at Capital Rep. You can catch it tonight at 8, Sat at 3 PM and 7:30 and Sun at 2:30 $36-46.
Vegetarian Expo
Food samples, vendors, speakers and an animal rescue will be part of the Capital Regions first annual Vegetarian Expo at the Saratoga Springs City Center on Saturday. Free.
The Saratoga Savoy folks are having another Diamond Dance at the Saratoga Music Hall (top floor of City Hall) on Saturday night. Dance to the music of The Jump Daddies from 7:30 to 11PM. Oh, and there's free Ben and Jerry's. $15
You can check out a Civil war encampment in Saratoga's Congress park. Well, not a real Civil War encampment, all those people are dead. But reenactors will play a full cavalry unit and demonstrate what life was like for civil war soldiers. Free.
Son Volt
Jay Farrar founded Son Volt after he broke up with Uncle Tupelo (the band he led with Jeff Tweedy. Farrar will be at The Egg with Son Volt tonight at 8. $20
Drive in
Looks like the Malta Drive-in is still open. Bundle up and head out to see one of two triple features.
Star Gazing
The forecast looks great for star gazing on Saturday night at RPI's Hirsch Observatory. The observatory is open from 8-10 for public observing. Free.
Bike Polo
You can still get in on (or just watch) a pick-up bike polo match. Sundays at 1 in Washington Park in Albany.
Cider Donuts
Yep. It's time.
Take a walk
Sure, the colors haven't turned yet, and technically it's not Autumn, but it just seems like the right time to take an "autumn walk." Here are some of our favorite spots.
Say Something!
We'd really like you to take part in the conversation here at All Over Albany. But we do have a few rules here. Don't worry, they're easy. The first: be kind. The second: treat everyone else with the same respect you'd like to see in return. Cool? Great, post away. Comments are moderated so it might take a little while for your comment to show up. Thanks for being patient.
You forgot that the Chowderfest in Troy is this Sunday!
TROY NY – (September 20, 2009) — Cast your vote for the best local chowder after sampling your share of 3-ounce, $1 samples from about 30 area restaurants, with a range of flavors from vegetable to New England to Manhattan and back! These restaurants are required to local ingredients in their chowder in order to participate, so you will enjoy farm-fresh chowder while benefitting local business at Troy’s Chowderfest!
Chowderfest will take place along River Street in downtown Troy near the Green Island Bridge. The event begins at 10:00 in the morning and concludes in the evening. There will be $2500 in prize money awards with an expected attendance rate of thousands. The event is sponsored by the City of Troy as well as many local restaurants and businesses throughout the Capital Region.
This year, the 3rd Annnual Chowderfest is part of a kickoff to a week of celebrating the Quadricentennial of Troy, NY. Ice sculptures, live music and other entertainment will grace this event.
... said Jessica R on Sep 18, 2009 at 11:03 AM | link
Moby still doesn't have Larkfest on this website. Is Albany positive he's coming? I raised this issue over a month ago. Albany is not on the way from DC to Philly.
... said Jeff Stannard on Sep 18, 2009 at 11:18 AM | link
Creative Writing Workshop
Olana State Historic Site
5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY
This Sunday 9/20, 1-4pm
(Free; $5 parking fee/ waived for members of The Olana Partnership).
Wagon House Education Center
Local writer and poet Kathe Izzo will lead creative exercises 'en plein air' (out of doors) in the Olana landscape to encourage using your surroundings in your writing. Tap into your creativitiy in the most inspiring of places. For those interested in reflection, memoir writing/poetry and beating writer's block- this workshop is for you.
Register: (518)828-1872x109.
... said Cheryl on Sep 18, 2009 at 11:23 AM | link
the five bands on the 518 stage are like the same six people (admitted exaggeration). it's like whoever booked the show just dialed one phone number and found five bands that live under one roof. not exactly a cross section that exemplifies the diversity in the region. where is hip hop, and rock and roll? a venue like larkfest should cultivate variety, not this middle of road snorefest. cross breed the scenes, don't give in to just being 'indie.' we have great blues bands, great hip hop, great latin music, jazz, we should really be showing off this side of albany.
... said kni jussay on Sep 18, 2009 at 12:44 PM | link
in response to kni jussay:
You are absolutely correct. There is no diversty in the music, none. It wasn't always that way. I find it very disappointing since there are many good bands of all types around here, salsa, jazz, hip hop, rock, soul, country, whatever. You won't see any of that at Larkfest. The entire event seems to be aimed at one kind of music fan.
... said JoeAlbany on Sep 18, 2009 at 2:13 PM | link
If you on the schedule, there are actually two local stages:
The Townsend Park Stage has a bunch of bands with similar ascetic/members.
The Homegrown Stage has all sorts of rock (and some poetry).
I'm happy at least there has been more of an effort to incorporate so much local music!
... said Melissa on Sep 18, 2009 at 2:40 PM | link
In the interest of fairness regarding the acts on Townsend stage (and no, I'm not one of them)
The five bands are actually comprised of 21 DIFFERENT members. Only 3 people play in more than one band. So, in fairness, that was quite an exaggeration.
And there are quite a few genres represented among the 5 bands. Saying there's no variety just because they're all in the same collective is kind of like saying AC/DC and John Mayer sound the same because they're both on Columbia Records.
You should really check it out and give it a fair shot.
... said Snorefest on Sep 18, 2009 at 4:25 PM | link