Stuff to do this weekend

Party on!
We would like to thank all of the U.S. presidents for being born, so we can celebrate them with a three day weekend.
And in their honor, we feel it is our patriotic duty to help you get the most out of the next three days. So here it is folks, AOA's bi-partisan list of stuff to do this President's Day weekend.
Got something planned that we missed? Share it with the rest of the group. And have a great weekend!
Dance your pants off...
No, not literally. But if you like to cut a rug, this is your weekend. The Dance Flurry Festival is already underway in Saratoga. There are performances, demonstrations and dances all over the city right through Sunday. The complete schedule with pricing can be found at
Urban Tap is at the Egg tonight with a work called Caravane Dancers improvise choreography in a variety of different styles from around the world. 8 PM at $24, $20 seniors, $12 children.
The Crooked Lake House is holding another Ballroom, Swing and Latin Dance Party, tonight. There's a free lesson at 715. Dance until 10:30 for $10.
And if you've got any energy left, there's a Valentine's Dance tomorrow night at the Albany Elk's Lodge on South Allen Street. Ballroom dancing and chocolate. $15.
Also: Saturday is 80s night at The Fuze Box and Slick Fitty is at Positively 4th Street.
If you'd rather sit it out and listen to some good music, you're still in luck. Here's a smattering of the concert offerings this weekend.
Dan Deacon makes a long awaited appearance at EMPAC on Saturday night. He'll be joined by Extra Life and Nuclear Power Pants.
Restys have a CD release party planned at The Arts Center of The Capital Region in Troy on Saturday night. Newspaper Joe will also be there.
Donna the Buffalo play their mix of zydeco, jamming, folk-rock, country rock, reggae and bluegrass tonight at 8 at Revolution Hall. $20
Alta Mira is at Valentine's tonight with the Realside, the Tins and This Blue Heaven.
WEXT's big Exit Dome 3 concert is tonight with Ashley Pond Band, Alta Mira, Matt Durfee, John Scarpulla and the return of Blotto. Saturday night at the WMHT Television Studios in North Greenbush.
If you've got some extra time this weekend, you may want to road trip to Williamstown and check out the Clark's new Giovanni Boldini impressionist Paris exhibit.
Garbage Warriors
The Troy Bike Rescue folks are screening "Garbage Warriors" tonight at 7. The film follows renegade architect Michael Reynolds efforts to build self-sufficient, off-the-grid communities "where design and function converge in eco-harmony." Here's the trailer.
Rocky Horror?
Because nothing says Happy Valentine's day like transvestite mad scientists-- there's a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture show tonight at 11 at The Linda.$6
From Russia with Love
The Washington Avenue Armory in Albany is hosting a Russian Winter Fest on Saturday from noon to six. Traditional Russian food, music, films art and crafts will be featured. The festival will focus on the achievements of Albany's Russian sister city, Tula. $7 for adults, kids 5-12 $3, under 5 free.
Take your valentine ice skating
Swinburne ice rink is still open and there's outdoor skating near the VVictoria Pool in Saratoga's Spa State Park.
Double feature
Go see a movie. Then when it's over, go see another one. Think about it -- it's a great way to get out of the house, out of the cold, catch up on some of the Oscar nominees you may have missed and eat popcorn.
Give presents
If you've still got some Valentine's Day shopping to do, here are some fun, local ideas. Or, stop by the Albany Art Room and make your own valentine.
Valentine's Brunch
Take someone you love out for raspberry oatmeal pancakes or some other brunch favorite. Rather stay in? Stop at the farmers' markets in Troy, Saratoga or Schenectady for supplies and cook something fun yourself.
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Friday: All beer pints $3 from 3-6 and the Bent Rail Blues Band 7:30-10:30 p.m.
Saturday: Marcus Ruggerio 8-11 p.m.
Sunday: Valentine's Day dinner...reservations still available for 4 o'clock seating.
"Queen" of Hearts Dance to benefit the Capital District Gay and Lesbian Community Council. Music by Eclectic Songs. $5 cover donation suggested.
... said Midtown on Feb 12, 2010 at 11:00 AM | link
Re: ice skating... I saw some people playing hockey on the Washington Park pond. Is that safe/legal? Can anyone go there to skate?
... said Summer on Feb 12, 2010 at 11:07 AM | link
Grab some Chinese food!
Sunday is also Chinese New Year! This will be the Year of the Tiger.
... said Albany Jane on Feb 12, 2010 at 11:12 AM | link
The Ruck in Troy is having a Stone Brewery Tasting event on Saturday night - this is the brewery that makes Arrogant Bastard. 4 of their beers will be on tap. The Ruck did this last weekend with Dogfish Head, and it was an excellent time!
... said Jessica R on Feb 12, 2010 at 11:27 AM | link
If I'm not mistaken the city lists Washington Park as a skating area. I would link to the list, but the city's new website is, for lack of a better word, awful.
... said Erik on Feb 12, 2010 at 11:38 AM | link
"The Merchant of Venice" opens tonight at 8pm Albany Civic Theater and runs through the 28th:
Be sure to get there by 7:30 for the live pre-show entertainment - it's a definite can't-miss! Plus free champagne reception and a meet-and-greet with the actors tonight in honor of opening night - hope to see some AOA'ers there!
... said Amy on Feb 12, 2010 at 1:37 PM | link
Chinese New Year at the Egg. You can get discount tickets at the Asian Food Market.
Also, you can check out the stars with your sweetheart at the RPI observatory on Saturday night.
... said Dawn on Feb 12, 2010 at 2:34 PM | link
Two pressing items of note for Saturday 02/13's Extra Life + Dan Deacon show at EMPAC:
- Nuclear Power Pants have unfortunately cancelled due to the inclimate weather further down the east coast.
- If ticket sales continue their current momentum, this show will sell out before the doors open - thus buy your tickets soon!
... said Jason Steven Murphy on Feb 12, 2010 at 2:39 PM | link
Why is Tula Albany's Russian sister city?
And the Olympics start this weekend!
... said Blaise on Feb 12, 2010 at 3:39 PM | link
@Jessica R Does the Ruck have a mailing list? I'm so annoyed to hear that I missed a Dogfish Head tasting and would like to hear what they have upcoming.
... said mirdreams on Feb 12, 2010 at 9:35 PM | link