Troygle's need for speed

troygle uncle samTroygle, the collaborative effort to land Google's community fiber project, has a rally/press conference/video shoot lined up for Monument Square tomorrow:

This is a good date/time for the City of Troy, for the Hellions and hopefully for you... We need everyone there ready to wave, cheer, feel lucky, and bring Google to Troy! Our community participation and enthusiasm means everything to this process.
THE NEED FOR SPEED - Be there, or be twentieth century!

The Hellions of Troy and (a hoped-for) 100 Uncles Sam will be there, so how could Google resist. The event starts at 5 pm.

While everyone's there: The odds of winning this Google project are long. Maybe Troygle can help prompt discussion about how to bring better, cheaper bandwidth to more people in Troy and Capital Region -- with or without Google.

Earlier on AOA:
+ Wooing the Google
+ Ooh, Google, over here! Over here!


I walked over to the Troygle event when I got home at around 6:30pm, so it was mostly over. Here's a quick clip from my N1:

Looks like you could get your picture taken with Uncle Sam and see Harry Tutunjian riding his Segway, which he's pretty good at. I'll spare you a wise-crack about Trojan charioteers.

Take-away: roller derby may have more charms than I thought.


Should add that Troygle's pitch is lackluster, IMO. "Troy deserves ..." and similar isn't even trying to be persuasive. There's no such thing as "deserves." Everybody deserves. Likewise, citing that the egg-beater (or whatever) was invented in Troy means nothing.

These sorts of experiments are done for the chance to measure their effects. The community should find ways to acknowledge that imperative. In other words, find ways to say "We get it," then elaborate on the ways it's willing to help the experiment along.

There are a thousand ways to do that. An example: suppose the city were to commit to digitally open every public record that reasonably can be, for aggregation by services like EveryBlock. That'd be a strong and purposeful signal.

Troygle seems geared toward breathless promotion and writing press releases (and, maybe, raising the profile of its principals). But cheerleading's easy. It's not a strategy for winning, and probably cuts against it.


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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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