Stuff to do this weekend

Dancing on the Ceiling -- this weekend at EMPAC.
OK, so it's turned cold on us again, but we've come out of hibernation and there's no going back.
Besides, it's the weekend, it's sunny and there's all kinds of stuff to do.
After the jump, this weekend's look at stuff that looked like fun to us. If you know of something going on that we missed, tell us about it!
And have a great weekend.
Time for another episode of Troy Night Out. The Collar City will be hopping tonight with art, music and other fun stuff. Check out the recycled metal sculpture at JK Bloom, the Peruvian culture show at The Paper Sparrow, the annual college photo show at The Photography Center on River Street and the Dancing on the Ceiling show at EMPAC. Afterward, check stop in and hear Sean Rowe and Jeffery Gains at Brown's at 7, then check out the Official, Unofficial TNO after party at Daisy Baker's with DJs "Hustle & Flow (Ryan Kick & Brian Anderson), Properly Chilled and Jenks.
Oh, and if you're looking for something to much on along the way, try the Easter Egg Hunt and track down an egg full of candy.
Kids Night Out
If you know some wee people, take them to The Arts Center of the Capital Region during Fridays TNO celebration for Kids Night Out. They're planning all kinds of crafts, music and hands on kids stuff.
Tess Lark Tavern hosts the Brew Ha-Ha Comedy Showcase on Saturday night at 8:30.
You can catch the jazz, funk and fusion band The Chronicles tonight at Bread and Jam in Cohoes $5
Hamell On Trial will be at Valentine's tonight with Alta Mira and Chris Noel
Railbird is having a CD release party at Putnam Den in Saratoga tonight.
El Duke is at Bread and Jam on Saturday night at 8. This one's free.
The Red Haired Strangers, Palatypus and Railbird are a few of the bands taking part in Saturday's Roots Music Fest at The Linda in Albany. Doors open at 6, show starts at 7. $16. All Proceeds go to the J.C. Clubs which helps serve meals to at risk kids.
Jam band School Bus Yellow is at Tess' Lark Tavern on Saturday night at 10.
Taina Asili y La Banda Rebelde is having a CD release party at the Sanctuary for Independent Media on Saturday night. They're described as Afro-Caribbean with a little rock, regge, hip hop and flamenco. DJ Trumastr will be there too. 8PM $10
The Albany Symphony Orchestra performs the work of one of America's leading composers, John Harbison, tonight at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall. 8PM
EMPAC hosts a rare U.S. performance of the music of Helmut Lachenmann, one of the most influential living European composers. The music will be performed by The Jack Quartet, and the larger ensemble "Signal." Lachenmann will be at the event and will speak after the performance.
Catch the Brooklyn Rider String Quartet at Union College Memorial Chapelon Sunday at 3.
Upending at EMPAC
We're not entirely sure we understand it, but it looks cool. Upending is actorless performance set to the music of the FLUX Quartet. It's at empac tonight and Saturday at 7 and Sunday afternoon at 2 $15, $10 students/seniors, $5 RPI students.
Tiznow in Saratoga is holding a Brazilian Carnival masquerade dance tonight at 8:30.
The National Museum of Dance in Saratoga's Dance 20 Festival is Sunday from 10-6. They're holding classes in all styles of dance and they'll be lectures and books signings. Classes are $15 a piece. It's $45 for the full day. .
The Crooked Lake House in Averill Park is holding another Ballroom, Swing and Latin Dance Party tonight. There's a free lesson 7:15 and you can dance until 10:30 for $10.
Sample foods from around the world at the Albany Academy's International Taste of the World Family Food Festival. Saturday from 3-6 at the Silipigno Athletic Facility at Albany Academy.
Whitewater Derby
Watch or participate in the 37th annual Whitewater Derby canoe/kayak race is slated to start at noon this Sunday at Coons Crossing Road on Route 67, three miles west of Mechanicville. The race is followed by the Anything that Floats race, where participants race in home made boats. That one launches behind DiSiena's Furniture on North Central Ave in Mechanicville. You can register for both races from 9 to 11 on Sunday at the former Mechanicville Elementary School on North Main Street. It's $15 and $25 for Anything That Floats. Heads up -- he races could be called off on Sunday morning if the water is too high.
+*"To Kill a Mockingbird" closes this weekend at Capital Rep. You can see it tonight at 8, Saturday at 3 & 7:30, Sunday at 2:30. $15-$39
Pro-environment puppets
Scotland's Puppet State Theatre Company will be at Stageworks Hudson tonight with The Man Who Planted Trees, an adaptation of Jean Giono's environmental cult
classic. The show's appropriate for kids over 7 but will entertain adults as well. $15
adults, $10 youth.
Game Day
If you like games, drop by the Watervliet Public Library on Saturday at 1 for their Game Day. Free.
Night Hiking
On Saturday the Albany Pine Bush is hosting an Almost Full Moon Hike. It's an hour long guided hike (about 1.5 miles) through the pine bush that starts at the Pine Bush Discovery Center on New Karner Road. $2 per person/$5 per family/Children under 5 yrs free. Register at 518-456-0655.
Road Trip
Take a drive to MASS MoCA in North Adams or The Clark in Williamstown -- or both.
Ice cream
Sure, the temperature has dropped again, but the seasonal ice cream stands are open, and you know, there is a school of thought that says if you eat ice cream, your inside will be as cold as your outside, so you won't feel the chill. You'll have to check that out with someone smarter than us, though.
Yep, you read that right. It's drive-in movie season -- sorta. If you want to see the new Alice in Wonderland, it's at the Hollywood Drive-in with When in Rome. It's two movies for $8 ($4 for kids) but you should probably bring your blankets and hot cocoa.
* Yep, Capital Rep does advertise on AOA
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Re: Take a drive to Mass Mocha in North Adams or The Clark in Williamstown -- or both.
... Your subliminal desire for coffee (or chocolate?) is peeking through.
:) :) :)
How about the Capital District Garden and Flower show? Isn't that this weekend?
Editors: It's probably more of a need (for both) than a desire. Thanks.
... said StickFigureMan on Mar 26, 2010 at 11:46 AM | link
The NCAA College Hockey Tournament Quarterfinals (I think) start today at the Times Union Center. Denver v. RIT and Cornell v. N.H. - FanFest outside on Pearl St. (in the chilly air!) with local band Lunic playing for free at 6PM!
... said mak on Mar 26, 2010 at 12:07 PM | link
"Upending at EMPAC: We're not entirely sure we understand it, but it looks cool. Upending is actorless performance set to the music of the FLUX Quartet. "
Saw it last night, I'll try to explain. It is not a live performance, you are actually looking at a video in 3D (yes, with a set of polarized 3D glasses). This is very abstract: forms, shapes and people fade in and fade out of the darkness, as the camera rotates around them. Visually, some scenes are intriguing, using original non-photorealistic rendering techniques: while you can recognize the elements on the screen, they are displayed in a very intangible yet very 3D fashion, using cloud points, webs, wireframes, etc.
The show is *90* minutes long. I love EMPAC, but I left after 45. There were two issues, to my opinion. First, the pace: it is way too slow. It took about 5 minutes for somebody to start snoring in the theater (I had to pinch myself a few times). I'm not asking for an action movie, I think contemplative shows can (and do) work, but I felt the author spent way too long flying his virtual camera around, showing too much. The speed is good, but some pieces/chapters just drag for ever. Second: the terrible background music, Morton Feldman's first String Quartet by the FLUX quartet. Sure, the video is abstract, but associating it to such a cringe inducing dissonant mess is pushing it. Check the videos, and get ready for 90 minutes of the same. If this was meant to make me uncomfortable, mission accomplished, but it's a bit gratuitous.
Anyway. The visuals are great and creative. A different music (and better seats?), and I would recommend it wholeheartedly. Or just go high.
I really commend EMPAC for bringing original shows though, keep them coming. Where else can you attend a great talk about "Inhabiting Other Worlds: Microgravity, Perception, Physiology, and Design" and a few minutes later such an abstract 3D show.
... said -S on Mar 26, 2010 at 12:13 PM | link
Hi-Way Drive In opened too.
... said Summer on Mar 26, 2010 at 1:45 PM | link
Good "Upending" @ EMPAC review, -S. I think we liked it better than you, so for another take on it -
By the way, the film is screened at 7 tonight and at 2pm tomorrow. No show on Sunday.
... said on Mar 26, 2010 at 1:53 PM | link
Thanks Greg. As you guys and the TU mentioned, it is a challenging piece that requires attention, almost discipline.
Sweet sweet irony, Sara just told me I won the 2 tix for "Upending" on Saturday that you guys at Nippertown were offering (last minute change on my schedule, had to go last night). I never win your giveaways, and then *bam*. Hopefully they will find a new, more appropriate owner :)
... said -S on Mar 26, 2010 at 3:37 PM | link
For KIDS and their grown ups:
The Box Car children (a play) is playing at the Masonic hall in albany on Sunday at 1pm. it is a great show, great to bring school age kids who likely read the books. gets you discounted tickets
... said laura on Mar 28, 2010 at 1:09 AM | link