I'll see you later

This is hard to say, but I'm taking off. It's been a good ride but it's time for me to try something new in life and unfortunately, that also means taking a break from Albany in the form of graduate school in the Midwest.
Like so many of us, I never intended to come back here. The lure of immediate post-graduate employment in the form of a job with the Associated Press brought me back, and ended up pushing my dreams of moving to San Francisco to the side. So I stayed... longer than I ever anticipated, and I've enjoyed myself more than I would ever have expected.
Writing for All Over Albany has helped me gain a new appreciation for my hometown. I've learned about things I never knew - such as Albany being the birthplace of modern toilet paper and that there's an entire nature preserve in Arbor Hill that's been shamefully neglected. And it's allowed me to share the things that I love and find interesting with the entire community.
It's helped me appreciate the interesting things that are lurking just under the surface here that often go unnoticed. For instance, discovering a fire spinning and eating meet-up group was pretty neat. And there's a certain joy I get from knowing where to go for the best appetizers to take to a party or where to find the best liverwurst. I like knowing where to find the best secondhand clothes and the perfect spot for a glass of wine in the summer (clearly my choice is the Wine Bar on Lark.) But more importantly, it's helped me meet some amazing people, who make this area what it is and whom I will dearly miss.
And while I'm excited for a new journey in Chicago/Northwestern University, there are countless things I will miss here. To name a few: the view from Thacher Park, strolling around the Empire State Plaza at night, the little hand-written tasting notes at the The Wine Shop on New Scotland Ave., relaxing at Victoria Pool in Saratoga Springs and feeling temporarily rich, the amazing garlic paste from Al-Baraki, the coffee at Flavour Cafe, having the wonderful smells and tastes of Cardona's just blocks from my house, the amazing array of gorgeous produce at the Schenectady Greenmarket, and being able to sit down at the bar at New World Bistro and know that Nick will know exactly what I want to drink and eat (Hendrick's cucumber-lemonade, small order of blackened string beans.)
But maybe the best way to really appreciate one's roots is to get away from them for a while, so I can come back and rediscover everything all over again.
And if this journalism thing doesn't work out, maybe I'll become a tugboat captain. Or a sommelier.
Who knows? Maybe I'll come back and start AOA's little sister, All Over (the) Hudson Valley -- but I promise I'll work on a catchier name.
This isn't exactly good-bye Albany; more like, I'll see you later.
With love and squalor,
Jessica Madeline
Editors: To say we'll miss Jess is an understatement. We had a whole day for her. She's the best contributor AOA has ever -- and probably will ever -- have. And on top of that, she's a really cool person. We hope Chicago knows how lucky it is.
photo: B Campbell
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Good luck and best wishes!
... said Summer on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:14 PM | link
As somebody that's recently relocated to New Jersey for grad school, I can relate completely. Good luck in Chicago!
... said Pete on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:15 PM | link
As a Chicagoan, let me be the first to welcome you to our club. If you have to live someplace other than Albany, it’s a great option.
Best wishes on your future endeavors!
... said Alice Person on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:53 PM | link
You will definitely be missed!
... said Paula on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:57 PM | link
Chicago has no idea of the gem it has just gained, nor can we express how much richer we are for having had you here, albeit too briefly.
Travel well and enjoy the journey, we shall miss you and eagerly await your return (And perhaps a report from Chicago now and again on something strikingly Albanian!)
... said komradebob on Aug 26, 2010 at 3:22 PM | link
Can that garlic paste be sent in a care package, you think?
It could be one of those hazardous, fragile, or perishable items they ask about at the post office.
... said B on Aug 26, 2010 at 3:40 PM | link
Chicago +1 Albany -1
I demand we get Oprah. It's a fair trade damn it!
... said Arielle on Aug 26, 2010 at 3:51 PM | link
I will definitely miss reading your work on this site. Best of luck to you.
... said Rachel on Aug 26, 2010 at 4:38 PM | link
We'll miss Jess Pasko. :(
... said Kevin Marshall on Aug 26, 2010 at 4:42 PM | link
First time I've ever cried while reading an AOA post. Will miss you sooooo much. C
... said celinabean on Aug 26, 2010 at 5:00 PM | link
WE WILL MISS YOU JESS. You make Albany, and AOA, fun.
P.S. B - I would argue that garlic paste is hazardous, fragile, AND perishable, which is what makes it amazing.
... said LB on Aug 26, 2010 at 6:08 PM | link
You will be missed Jess! But wherever you go, you'll do great!
... said Carrie on Aug 26, 2010 at 6:40 PM | link
I'm so sad to see you go, but at the same time I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see Chicago through your eyes. I never thought I would end up back in Albany either, but you and AOA have made it a better experience than I could've imagined.
... said CAPow! on Aug 26, 2010 at 8:23 PM | link
Jess, it sounds like you have made up your mind so we are not going to try and talk you out of this.
But for gods sake come to the Yelp event in Saratoga on 9/12 so we an give you a proper sendoff!
(For those who have not yet indicated their interest/plans to attend, please email otis@otismaxwell.com and we will put you on the VIP list.)
... said Otis Maxwell on Aug 26, 2010 at 10:54 PM | link
We at Exit 97.7, WEXT are extremely sad to be reading this news. We had heard rumors, conjectures, and all kinds of things to this effect. Kept sayin' "say it ain't so!" Apparently, it is so.
All we can say is thank goodness AOA and you have helped us have more fun while we're here, too! Keep rockin'. The Internet is a cool thing; so, make sure you still make a contribution to AOA once in awhile. Even though Chicago is not officially part of Albany (we're working on annexing it right now), your voice still needs to show us the way here!
Best wishes, and say "hi" to Backyard Tire Fire while you're there! Lots of great rock and roll in Chicago!
... said Chris on Aug 27, 2010 at 6:57 AM | link
Chicago's motto is Urbs in Horto - City in a Garden.
Chicago is based on the French wording of a Native American word shikaakwa, translated as wild garlic from the Miami-Illinois language.
Be well and prosper.
... said TM on Aug 27, 2010 at 9:05 AM | link
Dearest Jess,
From all of us at The Wine Bar and Bistro on Lark we wish you the absolute best in your new endeavor. We will miss you more than you know!! Xoxo
... said Chef Kevin P Everleth on Aug 27, 2010 at 4:45 PM | link
Jess, you will be certainly missed. I always looked forward to your wonderful contributions to AOA. Good luck in your endeavors. Welcome to the Midwest! If you ever find yourself in the Nati while in Chicago stop in.
... said Cathy on Aug 27, 2010 at 5:26 PM | link
Jessica is coming to join me in Chicago! This is awesome! I assure AOA that the "alumni" will keep it real quirky and damper it a bit with east coast words and accents.
Welcome, Jess! And Backyard Tire Fire is pretty stellar, too. It's a really amazing city, this Chicago...
... said Heather! on Aug 28, 2010 at 9:53 PM | link