All eyes on him during the storm

Search traffic to AOA for Eric Fisher leading up to and after Hurricane Irene. Not a huge number, but there definitely was interest.
At Quito's request, we pulled the search referral traffic to AOA for Weather Channel meteorologist Eric Fisher leading up to and during Hurricane Irene. We've written about him a few times because he was the guy in the famous UAlbany Fountain Day photo a few years back.
He's also... what's the meteorological term... really hot.
As Quito suspected, the storm did seem to prompt some significant interest in Mr. Fisher -- who, if we remember correctly, was reporting from Virginia. Google Trends also reported a spike in searches. Among the popular search referrals AOA got were queries about his age, photos of him, whether he's married, and whether he's gay.
People were obviously very focused on the storm. Yep.
Earlier on AOA:
+ The sexy weatherman
+ He's the famous Fountain Day guy
photo: The Weather Channel
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?