Albany parking permit system starting soon

The signs have been up for a while -- covered and uncovered.
Albany's residential parking permit system takes effect January 15 (Tuesday) -- and today the Albany Police Department distributed official maps of the street segments covered by the system. The maps are post jump -- they'll will be familiar if you've been following the issue.
The parking permit system will be in effect from 8 am-6 pm Monday through Friday (holidays excluded). People without permits will still be allowed to park in any spot -- but there will be a two hour time limit. Violations of the system are a $50 ticket with a $15 surcharge.
Alternate side parking, snow emergencies, and other similar regulations trump the permit system.
Here's information on how to get a permit (doc). They're $25. Permits are also available for non-resident business owners ($25, limit 3) and visitors ($10, one per household in the covered zones).
The city is taking complaints related to system via an online form. More info at the city's website (scroll down).
Maps are above in large format. Scroll all the way up.
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Ok, I understand the whole permit thing, but why do Center Square residents have to pay for a permint, for something that used to be free? Isn't rent and/or taxes enough?
... said King Supreme Love on Jan 9, 2013 at 11:09 AM | link
Got my sticker yesterday! It is red and shiny. Pretty easy process to get it. As a downtown resident of many years, I approve of it. At best, it will ease daytime parking downtown as well as boost downtown small businesses (so you are walking to your car to move it before the 2 hr limit - why not stop by Cheesecake Machismo to get some coffee and a slice of wonderful?) At worst, there will be many cranky commuters...even crankier than they are now. Anyway. Shiny!
... said Tess on Jan 9, 2013 at 11:38 AM | link
I'm confused. I park on Madison and work at Albany Med...does this mean I can't park there anymore?
... said KB on Jan 9, 2013 at 12:03 PM | link
I fail to understand why daytime parking will get eased. It seems to me all the people who park there now will continue to do so. They will just move the car every 2 hours.
... said Joe Albany on Jan 9, 2013 at 12:08 PM | link
I understand why they are putting the system into place but I feel like it's more punitive to state workers than it is helpful to residents. If it was overnight permit parking, or night time permit parking from 4pm to say, 9am, then maybe it would help me out when there are events at the Palace an no parking in my hood (which is Ten Broeck). But a permit system during the day is really just a hassle for me. I need to take time off to go get a permit, and I am rarely even parked at my house during the day. When I am parking there during the day, there is almost never a problem. I sort of wish residents had been more in the conversation loop for determining the logical implementation of this system.
... said Jen H on Jan 9, 2013 at 12:34 PM | link
@Joe - The parking will be eased because commuters will park in the garages and lots instead of the streets. Even if 25% of them do this, the parking situation will ease now that the street in front of my home is no longer free all day to them.
... said Tess on Jan 9, 2013 at 12:45 PM | link
I often go to some of these areas and park for meetings, run some errands at the local shops and sometimes grab lunch. Looks like I'll have to forgo the latter two.
By the way, don't people in these neighborhoods have to work during the day?
... said Gene on Jan 9, 2013 at 1:06 PM | link
YOU LIVE IN A CITY!!! If you want to park in front of your house move to the suburbs!
... said Steve on Jan 9, 2013 at 1:11 PM | link
I live in Center Square. I work a job with hours that vary, as do several of my friends who also live in this neighborhood- so, no, @Gene, not everyone has to work during the day. @Steve I park in front of my apartment about 90% of the time- the 10% when I don't, it's at night. Came home from work last night at 9:30 and could only find a spot in Washington Park. Still maybe only 3 blocks from my house so in my mind not a big deal, although I know other female friends who wouldn't consider taking that walk alone. I am curious to see how the permit system actually plays out vis a vis reducing congestion since I know that it is different in different parts of the 'hood. When I lived on lower Chestnut I could NEVER find a spot during the day. So basically it's six of one or half dozen of the other.
Side note: Bring cash or check because they are NOT taking plastic for the permits, which I found out the hard way after using all my cash to clear my outstanding tickets.
... said SB on Jan 9, 2013 at 2:32 PM | link
I agree with Jen H that this whole implementation seems backwards and not geared toward residents... (or even workers... who wants to move their car constantly?) Limiting parking to 2 hours after 5pm would make much more sense than during the day when residents are likely gone and workers/visitors could use the empty spots.
I live in one of the residential parking areas, but don't park on the street, so it won't really affect me... but if I did have to, this would be the opposite of what I would want as a resident.
... said Paul on Jan 9, 2013 at 2:37 PM | link
Steve - It isn't entirely about "parking in front of your house," I think it's more about not having to drive around 4 different blocks for a half hour after returning home from work around 5 pm before being able to find a spot to park in because of all the state workers that have been parked on the block for the entire day.
... said Dan on Jan 9, 2013 at 3:35 PM | link
@ SB, I would never walk there at night, maybe the city needs to use some of the new permit revenue to make it safer.
... said Julia on Jan 9, 2013 at 5:02 PM | link
This is pretty weak for the Mansion district. There's a lot of folk down here that can't afford to pay their tickets, which are by far one of the most regressive forms of taxation.
... said mr slow loris on Jan 9, 2013 at 5:04 PM | link
I've noticed that I've been able to park my car on my street much more frequently over the past several weeks. Maybe those exposed permit signs are scaring away folks. This is great, until the people of Center Square think this now means they can add another vehicle to their households. Fools!
... said Anthony on Jan 9, 2013 at 9:48 PM | link
Okay. So I've lived in Center Square for over ten years now, in three different spots, and I am a state worker so I see both sides of the issue. However, the parking problem is not during the daytime as other commentators have stated. It's at night. That's when I don't like searching for 45 minutes to park blocks away and have to walk to my apartment alone at night. People move during the day. People don't move their cars much at night. Also, being a state worker, I've signed up for the parking garage list because I probably won't live in Center Square forever. I've been on the list for five years now and am still waiting to hopefully pay for a garage spot someday. I know people who have been on the list for eight years and are still waiting. That's a long time to wait for a spot. And to make things even more frustrating is that there is a moratorium on the parking garages so the state isn't even giving out spots anymore. It just seems unfair.
... said H on Jan 9, 2013 at 10:33 PM | link
The way I understand it the permit system, which I sort of agree is being implemented sort of bassackwards, essentially amounts to 3 things:
1. More money to the city for parking tickets and the like that're required to be paid off in order to get the permits
2. More money to the city for the costs of the permits
3. More money to whatever entity that collects the money used to pay to park in the state worker lots (unless it doesn't cost the the state workers money to pay in their designated lots. Could someone clarify this?)
And to the person who posted saying "You live in a city..." I have to say this: you live in the suburbs. Maybe it's about time you start dealing with having to park in your designated lot (and paying for it if that's the case) if you're going to be riding out your life contributing what little money to the city that you do. Maybe you should try commuting to work via the vast public transit network available to you and not take up the spots so close to my living space which are so vital to me when I have to come home from a procedure at the hospital, drugged out of my mind, and have to walk 3 to 4 blocks home because of whatever reason you have for parking in the neighborhoods versus in your designated lots among other legitimate reason.
Further, I love that he states "You live in a city" because don't most major cities have a parking permit system in place?
... said Drew on Jan 10, 2013 at 1:49 AM | link
I am also looking forward to permit parking. I, like many residents in Center Square, will benefit from daytime parking access. There are more people than you might think who need to park near home during the day because they work nights, weekends, or part time, work at home, walk to work, are retired, or stay home with their kids. It should also benefit Lark St businesses by opening up more parking spots, @steve, I don't want to live in the suburbs and I don't expect to park in front of my house, but it will be nice to park near it when I have a car full of children or groceries. @julia it's safer than you think it is.
... said Biodiva on Jan 10, 2013 at 6:31 AM | link
2. More money to the city for the costs of the permits
@Drew: City officials have said the permit fee is being used to fund the administration of the system. And the intent is for it to be revenue neutral.
... said Greg on Jan 10, 2013 at 9:02 AM | link
"Maybe you should try commuting to work via the vast public transit network available to you"
I used to. I live all of four miles away. My bus was cancelled last year, making that vast public transit network pretty much unavailable to me; the next closest bus is a 15-minute walk. And it's only available in the morning and late afternoon; if for any reason I have to get back home during the day (sick kid), I'm screwed. For most people if they have to walk 15 minutes to take a 25-minute bus ride to go four miles, they're going to get into their cars. My solution has been to almost exclusively bike-commute, but that's not a solution for everyone.
Just pointing out that it's not as simple as "take the bus." There has to be a bus to take.
... said Carl on Jan 10, 2013 at 11:19 AM | link
Carl, I understand what you're saying, but there are a lot of suburbanites who feel entitled to park close to work. I guess the question I have is which is more reasonable: people having to walk 15 minutes to work or to a bus stop or people having to walk 15 minutes from their car to get home?
I get it. No one wants to have to walk. No one wants to have to drive around and around looking for parking. The only question is where should that burden fall? On the people who actually live there or the people who don't?
... said FyreGoddess on Jan 10, 2013 at 2:54 PM | link
I do live in the city. And yes, parking is night. A lot of times I do take the bus, walk or ride my bike. That's why I live in a city after all.
... said Steve on Jan 10, 2013 at 3:58 PM | link
Ditto - chiming in that this does NOTHING to alleviate parking difficulties for residents, because it's only difficult in the evenings. Having lived in DC for nine years prior to Washington Park, I can deal with it, but nobody should pretend this is going to help anything but city revenue.
... said aly on Jan 10, 2013 at 7:28 PM | link
I find this troubling:
"...when I have to come home from a procedure at the hospital, drugged out of my mind, and have to walk 3 to 4 blocks home..."
It seems that if someone else was driving the poster, the driver would drop the passenger off in front of their house. Poster, please do not drive around Albany drugged out of your mind. Please use a taxi or medical car service.
... said Kerosena on Jan 11, 2013 at 10:40 AM | link
Albany's problem is downtown is too densely packed, and it forces people to live in slum conditions. The solution should be to demolish some of the neglected houses in Center Square and other neighborhoods to increase on street parking, provide for additional public park space, and possibly completion of the MId-Crosstown Arterial.
The MId-Crosstown Arterial proposal, could reduce congestion and delays at the 9W/I-787 interchange, which would increase the quality of life in Albany by reducing air pollution, and allowing people to easily get in and out of the city.
... said Arterial Fan on Jan 11, 2013 at 2:28 PM | link
Steve hit the nail on the head.. these folks knowingly purchased homes without driveways or parking lots so they could live in an urban area that appealed to them forthem other reasons that were important to them. They have just as much right to the public parking spots outside their homes as the workers that park there to go to work. You want your own spot? Move to Guilderland or Colonie. This is a blatent money grab by the city of Albany.
... said Zack on Jan 11, 2013 at 5:10 PM | link
Arterial Fan: you're joking right? Anyway, most of the people complaining about this don't pay a nickel to the City of Albany and seem to think the streets they want to park on for free cost actual taxpayers nothing. Who do you think pays for maintaining those streets? Parking is never free, it's just a question of who's paying for it. And yes, even those living downtown who have cars should pay a little ($25/yr is trivial, btw) to park them on the street as opposed to those who don't have cars. And the City getting the revenue, if any, is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. The City is not an evil overlord (even when run by Jennings); it provides you with services, like streets you can park in. Yes, the permit system should be 24 hours, but if that were proposed we'd still be arguing about how to implement it. At least this way we have something to try. I'm sure the unions will prevent it being renewed in 2 years time anyway, when the permit system has to be re-authorised. In the meantime, I'm grateful for it. Btw, why doesn't Albany have household compost pickup? Now there's something to argue about!
... said oh albany on Jan 12, 2013 at 9:51 AM | link
Well said Oh Albany. The Radix center offers household compost pickup for $15/mo.
... said Biodiva on Jan 12, 2013 at 2:14 PM | link
Parking is more a problem at night than during the day. However, a permit system at night would be worthless. Most cars parked on the street at night belong to residents, so permits are not going to help. There is a daytime parking problem and while less a problem than at night, the situation will be improved by the permit system.
To all those who keep screaming that this whole thing is a scam and the city refuses to do something about the night parking situation, please, post some suggestions along with your rants. I have yet to see one suggestion (short of tearing down buildings to build roads and parking lots).
... said Gewo on Jan 13, 2013 at 11:44 AM | link
I am one of the state workers lol. I understand how it would be frustrating to the residents of these neighborhoods when you pay to live there and then have to park blocks away from your home. I dont feel the residents of the restricted areas should have to pay for the permits. However, for us state workers from the downtown area, it is not all that easy believe me! The lots and garages are SO incredibly expensive, and to even get a space in the state lots you have to wait for years, so far for me ive been waiting 7 years. Last year a moratorium was put on all lots so nobody new can get available spaces! I am hoping that something will change soon so state workers can get parking. I am sure even with all the signs there will be alot of towing going on lol.
... said Chelle on Jan 13, 2013 at 5:22 PM | link
All commuters should boycott all business and events in the City of Albany. If the city doesn't appreciate us, then we should go elsewhere. Also, the suburbs should charge people from the city to park on our streets.
... said Dick on Jan 14, 2013 at 11:09 AM | link
@Dick, seriously, what a negative Nancy. It isn't that bad!! Plus, from my view in Latham, I'm not seeing many (i.e. "NONE") city residents parking on our streets. If anything, I'm the one getting a free ride cruising down their streets daily to work without paying a dime for their upkeep.
... said Bill on Jan 14, 2013 at 4:02 PM | link
This is nothing less than another tax. When are we the people going to learn to stop electing the same people into office who keeo taxing us to death? I'm willing to bet none of these legislators have to purchase this permit. If Albany officials keep this up soon they'll be taxing the teeth in our head.
... said Ana on Jan 14, 2013 at 5:20 PM | link
LOL, you have to pay up on your outstanding parking tickets before you can purchase a parking permit?? YES!
... said Ron on Jan 15, 2013 at 9:14 AM | link
Let's see...$10 a day.... $50 a week....$200 a month????Does that sound a little over the top to some of you? ON TOP of all of our other bills we have to pay? Life just gets more RIDICULOUS every day for hardworking people who don't have jack to start with. Unbelievable.
... said Lisa on Jan 15, 2013 at 12:43 PM | link
@Lisa: I don't understand what you're talking about. Are you referring to the cost to park in a garage? I have a state worker friend who pays $70 a month. There's a garage on Lancaster street that charges (I believe) less than $100. Also, has anyone looked into park and ride options? There are lots scattered about that you can park in for free and hop on a CDTA bus. Check it out here:
... said Summer on Jan 15, 2013 at 1:15 PM | link
I just came back from a walk in my Center Square neighborhood and I couldn't believe how empty the streets were on a Tuesday afternoon. I'd say at least half the parking spaces were open. Most weekdays, those are taken by state employees.
The whole parking permit system doesn't affect me because (aside from the fact that I don't drive) I'm one of the lucky people who has a garage in this neighborhood. And one side-affect of this parking plan that I've noticed is that I've suddenly had a lot of people inquire about renting space in it (both spots are already rented, though). I'm not sure if the people inquiring are residents or commuters.
One thing that might also have helped...there are several large lots in this area that have been vacant for years. A couple of decades in some cases. I don't know the status of these lots - ownership, zoning - but a few of them would have made ideal neighborhood parking lots.
P.S. Dick, thank you so much for extending a warm welcome to the suburbs. You're so sweet.
... said Paula on Jan 15, 2013 at 2:54 PM | link
Had an early morning appointment in Troy and so was hesitant to return to Center Sq. to park just after 9:30 am. It was an incredible sight to see that there was, for the first time, abundant parking on a work day. Normally, I'd drive around for 20-30 minutes and then give up to find a coffee shop to work in for an hour or two before trying again.
... said Barry T. on Jan 15, 2013 at 5:56 PM | link
The streets were empty? Why would anyone pay attention to the one month trial period?
... said Ron on Jan 17, 2013 at 9:11 AM | link
I lived in downtown schenectady years ago in a completely residential area with almost no off street parking and if you came home late (after 5pm) it was more difficult to find a street parking spot within 3 blocks of your apartment than if you came home at 3. It seems to be counterproductive.
Not to mention the "state workers can park in the lots". Does anyone realize that there is a 5-10 year waiting period for most of the OGS run parking lots!!!!
Not to mention the assigning of those lots has been frozen for more than a year!
I'm sure the city of Albany will very much enjoy the increse of funds they gain from use of the parking meters.
Really's not the state employees that are the problem. It's OGS and the State of NY that doesn't build or provide parking for all of its employees!!
If you worked for a small company wouldn't your boss be concerned if you could find parking OK every morning so you'd be to work on time? The powers that be at the State don't care because the higher ups always have parking spots provided no matter where other people are on waiting lists.
... said karner blu on Jan 18, 2013 at 7:49 PM | link
I took one look at this and other city and NY state imposed nonsense and reneged on promise to accept employment in Albany and moved to Midwest to take similar job. When lower local and state taxes, lower cost of living, less stress than living in crime ridden inner city taken into account, my take home is higher, life is better, and I am not dealing with monster NY state and local corruption.
... said John Fortmoason on May 14, 2015 at 1:21 PM | link