Whole Foods Colonie Center opening date

Whole Foods announced today that its new store at Colonie Center will open June 18 at 9 am.
The new store is in the mall's southwest corner -- the company is leasing space from the Sears there. (The facade recently went up and is visible from both Central Ave and Wolf Road.) It was planned to be about 32,000 square feet -- that's about the same size as the new Honest Weight Food Co-op location or the Healthy Living Market that opened in Wilton.
As you know, it's the first Whole Foods in the area. (The current Whole Foods closest to the Capital Region is in Hadley, Massachusetts.) The company first announced its intent to open here in May of 2012.
Earlier on AOA:
+ Whole Foods is coming to Albany
+ Soapbox: Oh, Whole Foods, why Colonie Center?
+ Comparing the size of Capital Region supermarkets
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In before the woe is me co-op crowd chimes in...
... said Don't Golub Way Mad, Just Golub Way on May 19, 2014 at 2:14 PM | link
The more grocery the merrier. Thought it would have been more beneficial to the city of Albany, if they took a store of this popularity along with some others and began developing another part of the city.
We are allowed to have more than one shopping area in the city... aren't we?
... said J on May 19, 2014 at 2:14 PM | link
Yeah Colonie Center needed a grocery store. Good thing the parking lot is always empty.
... said sst on May 19, 2014 at 3:00 PM | link
And the parking lot is so easy to navigate too...love that first entrance off Wolf coming from Central and the bottle neck across from LL Bean/Sears entrance-great space planning. That should be addresses too. Can you imagine this at Christmas time? OMG
... said L on May 19, 2014 at 4:00 PM | link
Colonie Center is a FrankenMall outside.
... said Lu on May 19, 2014 at 8:50 PM | link
Yes, parking here is going to be a disaster. Not a single bit of planning appears to have ever been put into parking and associated pedestrians in that area of the mall, around the associated thoroughfares that ring the mall and enter from Wolf/Central. Now the poor planning will finally be put to the test. Maybe they'll finally put in a few sidewalks over there, or maybe even a stop sign(!).
... said Someone on May 19, 2014 at 9:19 PM | link
I'm very excited. Maybe increased traffic will inspire people to use some of the mall's other entrances. There are many. Personally, I like to cut through Railroad Ave and take the straight shot into the Sears lot.
The Sand Creek roundabout is often a good bet. And don't forget about the hidden entrance/exit behind Lemondrop FroYo (which is also accessible from the Trader Joe's).
What a treat it will be to pick up my inexpensive dry goods at Trader Joe's and then swing by Whole Foods on the way out to cross things like quality meats and Tom's of Maine toothpaste off my list. All without having to get back on a major road.
Seems like a perfectly fine location to me.
... said Daniel B. on May 19, 2014 at 9:40 PM | link
Not to be mean Daniel B, but your comment really pissed me off. I live by the mall and believe me, it doesn't need any more traffic. Your little "suggestions" are routes I use myself, especially to get home during the unfortunate backlog that occurs multiple times a day. There are many more locations in the Capital District, mentioned by countless commentors, that could have used a boost. But, god forbid, people should have to venture into Albany or anywhere more than a 10 minute drive from Colonie.
... said Myra on May 19, 2014 at 11:30 PM | link
As I've probably mentioned here before, as a resident of southern Saratoga County, there is simply no way in hell I'm driving more than 5 miles from home to buy groceries. And especially not to Wolf Road - you'd have to pay me to go anywhere near there.
I've got Hannaford,, Aldi's, Fred the Butcher, and 2 Price Choppers (last mentioned because they are last choice) within 5 miles of home (not to mention a whole raft of good farm stands in the summer). I'm also not mentioning Walmart or Target, neither of which I will ever patronize for political/social justice reasons. With the current cost of gas, you'll need to pay me to go any further, no matter what you offer.
I do make a once a month visit to the Honest Weight Coop and the Asian Supermarket when I have to be in the area for other reasons. Even those would not justify a separate trip.
... said chezjake on May 19, 2014 at 11:51 PM | link
I love reading the comments of people complaining about the location, but at the same time admitting they'll shop there regularly no matter where it's located. News Flash: Whole Foods appreciates the business that you groupies provide, BUT they also want to maximize business. To do that, they're locating in one of the busiest locations in the region. They also probably got a pretty nice deal from Sears for the space.
... said Mergh on May 20, 2014 at 10:25 AM | link
Has anyone mentioned the obligatory, "Parking will be awful but I don't care because I'll never go there LOL!" yet?
I don't actually have a problem with Whole Foods in general but it's not enough of a regional attraction to get me to trek all the way out there from Schenectady.
... said Frank on May 20, 2014 at 10:27 AM | link
Last weekend, when I was in the midst of an anxiety spiral, my husband said to me, "Can we please try to have one thought that isn't negative?"
I thought it was a good suggestion, and this seemed like as good a place as any to pass it along.
... said Kerosana on May 21, 2014 at 9:07 AM | link
As annoying as the walk from the Central Avenue bus stop to Colonie Center can be right now, the comments here make me suspect it will become much more entertaining when this place opens. :)
... said JayK on May 21, 2014 at 9:29 AM | link
I don't care about traffic, I used to live in LA and SF, so "Traffic in colonie" really doesn't bother me. I'm just more excited that there's going more options than just Scantiford's and Ghetto Chopper.
I really hope this is the beginning of the end of those 2 chains that have limited gluten-free, organic, healthy choices. I'm sick of buying produce that is moldy and/or inedible when I go to try to eat it.
... said cindy on May 21, 2014 at 8:17 PM | link