The Nipper building is for sale

For sale: 991 Broadway in Albany, AKA the Nipper building. List price: $3.975 million. Here's the listing brochure from Carrow Real Estate Services.
A tip of the hat to the Biz Review's Mike DeMasi, who was the first person we saw to point this out -- he reports that Arnoff Moving and Storage, the current owner, is looking to move to a more efficient facility. [Biz Review]
The Nipper building -- well, to be more specific, the large dog sitting atop it -- is the most prominent landmark in Albany's Warehouse District, a neighborhood that's heading in more of a restaurant/residential direction. And, at least on the surface, the 125,070-square-foot main building at 991 Broadway looks very much like it could be a candidate for redevelopment -- century-old warehouse spaces tend to make good residential conversions, the building has a courtyard cutout in the middle, and there would be ample space for parking.
The listing is very much pushing this idea: "Landmark Warehouse District Residential Redevelopment Opportunity," "Walk to Dining, Entertainment & Exciting Nightlife."
The property includes three buildings -- the two others are also warehouse buildings -- over 3.53 acres of land.
From the Carrow Real Estate brochure pitching the property.
As you know, there's been a lot of restaurant development in the neighborhood over the last handful of years, especially along the Sciortino's/Wolff's/Stout/Nine Pin strip a few blocks south. The not-yet-open Druthers brewery site is just up the block from the Nipper building. There's also residential is motion, as well -- 960 Broadway, a former liquor warehouse just down the street from Nipper, is slated for a residential conversion.
It's easy to see the potential of the Warehouse District. And city leaders pretty clearly have that potential in mind. But the transition raises some issues -- about zoning, about light industrial getting along with residential -- that the city will have to address. And it will be interesting to see how that plays out.
Earlier on AOA:
+ Architecture gawking in Albany's warehouse district
+ The Industrial Heritage Reuse Project
+ Impact Downtown Albany's vision of what the city's downtown could be
Find It
The Nipper building
991 Broadway
Albany, NY 12204
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That would be a great use for that space.
Unfortunately I think the most prominent landmark in the warehouse district is the old freezer storage place that caught fire a few years ago. That place either needs to be converted like it's duplicate in Canada or needs to be demolished. It is such an eyesore.
... said Jeff on Dec 9, 2014 at 11:54 AM | link
Don't miss Greg's comments at Nippertown:
... said tim on Dec 9, 2014 at 1:34 PM | link
Residential goes in the Nipper building... The 9 Manor Street building could be the music venue Albany sorely needs... 15 Mill Street right there for parking! 7 Tivoli for... whatever.
Someone with money make it happen, please :D
... said Paul on Dec 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM | link