Interesting 2009
Interesting in 2009: Matt Baumgartner

He's @burritoboy on Twitter.
One of the best things about working on AOA is that we've get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people. We'll be highlighting a handful of them between now and the start of 2010.
If he wasn't already, Matt Baumgartner became a Capital Region celebrity in 2009.
He may need some convincing about that, though.
Interesting in 2009: the B3nson folks

Sgt Dunbar at LarkFest this past fall.
One of the best things about working on AOA is that we've get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people. We'll be highlighting a handful of them between now and the start of 2010.
The past year was a great one for local music, thanks in large part to the B3nson folks.
Interesting in 2009: Kaitlyn Ross
One of the best things about working on AOA is that we've get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people. We'll be highlighting a handful of them between now and the start of 2010.
If it was cold and snowing during the past year, Kaitlyn Ross was probably outside. On TV.
Interesting in 2009: Jasen VonGuinness
One of the best things about working on AOA is that we've get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people. We'll be highlighting a handful of them between now and the start of 2010.
One of the most interesting groups to pop up in the Capital Region over the last few years is the Albany Society for the Advancement of Philanthropy. And Jasen VonGuinness is its founder.
Interesting in 2009: Daniel B
One of the best things about working on AOA is that we've get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people. We'll be highlighting a handful of them between now and the start of 2010.
We always thought of ourselves as being particular -- you know, detail people.
Then we met Daniel B.
Interesting in 2009: Leigh Cummings
One of the best things about working on AOA is that we've get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people. We'll be highlighting a handful of them between now and the start of 2010.
It's always a good day in the Neighborhood when a new post from Leigh Cummings pops up.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?