Search results for 'sebastien photoset'
Recycled: the Starlite Theatre
With the demolition of the Starlite Theatre in Latham this week, it seemed like a good time to pull up this photo Sebastien took there a few years back. He has a good photoset of the place as it existed in 2009, decayed, performers such as Bob Hope, Sammy Davis... (read the rest)
Warrior Dash 2012 deadline
The annual Warrior Dash at Windham Mountain is this Saturday and Sunday. The 3.2 "hellish" miles include 12 obstacles -- among them, fire, bridges, and mud (a lot of mud). Some people wear costumes. It's a little (or a lot) crazy. Registration is still open -- but it closes Tuesday... (read the rest)
Photos from AOA4
As promised, here's a ton of photos from the AOA's 4th birthday party last week at the City Beer Hall. Many thanks to Andy Kainz for capturing so many good moments. We had an excellent time at the party. The City Beer Hall did a great job with the food.... (read the rest)
Atop the Capitol
Check out this beautiful photoset of the Capitol restoration by Elisa Vietri. She got a tour of the project from the Capitol architect. Some of her photos from the Capitol's roof are great. [via Sebastien]... (read the rest)
The eviction of Occupy Albany
Updated Friday evening Following the expiration of its permit Thursday morning, Occupy Albany was evicted from Academy Park that afternoon. City of Albany Department of General Services employees dismantled and removed tents as police watched. Then things went a bit crazy -- Occupiers took their last tent on a tour... (read the rest)
Santa Speedo Sprint 2011 photos
The Santa Speedo Sprint is one of the most fun events of each year. And this weekend was no exception. It was great to see so many people smiling, laughing, and cheering others on. There's a big bunch of photos from this year's sprint after the jump...... (read the rest)
Victorian Stroll 2011 photos
Sebastien has posted a fun photoset from the Victorian Stroll in Troy on Sunday. Here's another photoset from the stroll by Vic Christopher. And one of Paul's photos resulted in a great joke: "Hipster Bichon enjoyed Troy before it was cool." photo: Sebastien Barre... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: Thanksgiving volunteering (and goats), turkey trotting, Walmart on Thanksgiving night, an Albany Christmas miracle, cemeteries, cheesy marvels, ridiculous desserts, Captain Denim, a moonshine jug, and the dawn sky.... (read the rest)
Scenes from mac 'n cheese class
Check it out: Sebastien went to Christian Noe's macaroni 'n cheese class at the Arts Center last night: [I] had a really good time, and brought a lot of leftovers. Christian Noe is a genuinely nice, fun guy, he and his sister walked us through 3 pretty yummy Mac&Cheese, including... (read the rest)
More photos from Occupy Albany
There's now a Flickr pool for photos from Occupy Albany, and a handful of photographers are contributing to it. Sebastien has continued to update his ongoing photoset from Occupy of Albany (that's his photo above), as has Tim Raab. Their latest photos give a bit of a sense of how... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: the warehouse district, a possibly irresponsible birthday promotion, other ways to spend $25k, the Tour de Donut, a delicious family legacy, R.E.M., the bus stop, PearlPalooza, strangely unsatisfying sculpture, Greek food, mixed up food, lobster, crying,... (read the rest)
LarkFest 2011, in video
Check out this great video Julia Evanczuk made at LarkFest this past weekend (also embedded above). But, wait, there's more: + Sebastien's posted a photoset from the festival (there's even a pic of AOA Mary). + Bennett also posted a photoset (we like this photo) + And here's a... (read the rest)
Warrior Dash photos 2011
This is fun: Sebastien was at the Warrior Dash at Windham Mountain this past weekend and has a great post and photoset from the race/obstacle course/mud bath. A few more photos after the jump. But definitely go check out the whole set. Warriors! Jen and Silvia both braved the course... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: what they know that we've forgotten, not paying in cash, hospitals, Camp Bisco, a murder scene, the Boilermaker, free pizza, Pasquale's, the population at Golden Corral, summer trips, things not missed, shopping in Troy, and customer... (read the rest)
Capital Pride parade photos 2011
The annual Capital Pride parade was this past weekend in Albany. Sebastien was nice enough to share some photos from the event -- a few more are after the jump. Be sure to check out the whole photoset. It includes a lot of good photos. And don't miss Leigh's Soapbox... (read the rest)
Lots no longer vacant
Sebastien has an excellent post about the recent work at multiple sites for the Vacant Lot Project in Albany's South End. He and Bennett have been documenting the project as it moves along. As Sebastien writes of this most recent photoset: I came back with a lot of pictures, which... (read the rest)
St. Patrick's Day parade 2011
The photo above is from a nice photoset by Sebastien from the St. Patrick's Day parade in Albany over the weekend. A few more are after the jump -- and, of course, the photoset linked above has many more. Also: Flicker user MIKECNY has also posted a parade set --... (read the rest)
An icy walk at dusk
I may have cursed the frozen rain as it fell Sunday night, and the snow as it covered the ground yesterday morning, but once the sun came out I was praising the beauty of what was left behind. I took a walk along the Mohawk-Hudson Bike-Hike trail and the Mohawk... (read the rest)
Cold! Cold! Cold!
Here are some fun photosets by Sebastien and The Exile from the recent Winterfest at Grafton Lakes. And here's a bonus set by Flickr user dividedsky319. The day includes a "polar plunge" into a pool carved out of the frozen lake -- there are some great faces when people hit... (read the rest)
Victory Mill
Sebastien and Bennett's Urban Decay Tour of the Capital Region continues with a stop at the Victory Mill in... Victory. Photosets: Bennett | Sebastien. Bennett has a bit about the history of the mill, and the planned loft conversion project, on his blog. And Sebastien has an interesting bit from... (read the rest)
Interesting in 2010: Sebastien Barre
One of the best things about working on AOA is that we get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people. We'll be highlighting a handful of them between now and the start of 2011. Sebastien Barre has been a part of the AOA crowd since... well, practically since... (read the rest)
Santa Speedo Sprint 2010 photos
Updated Monday at 8 pm This year's Santa Speedo Sprint once again proved the scantily-clad Santa dash is one of the most fun events of the year. It's so great to be in a crowd where so many people are smiling. And last we heard, ASAP had raised $20,000 for... (read the rest)
ESP tree lighting photos 2010
The photo above is from Sebastien's photoset from last night's tree lighting and fireworks at the ESP. The set also includes the tree and a nice black and white shot. This year's ESP tree is from Guilderland and is decorated with energy-efficient LED lights. photo: Sebastien B... (read the rest)
Saratoga Victorian Streetwalk 2010 photos
Sebastien's posted a photoset with some really nice photos from Thursday's Victorian Streetwalk in Saratoga. The set includes a lot of good closeups of people, costumes and... reindeer. This year's streetwalk was jammed, apparently. As Drew tweeted last night: Saratoga is to Victorian Streetwalk as studio apartment is to U2... (read the rest)
A vacant lot transformed
Check it out: Sebastien, Bennett and Mike have been documenting the Grand Street Community Art's Vacant Lot Project with a series of photosets. Jess wrote about the project earlier this year. GSCA was looking for ideas about how to transform vacant lots into something that would enhance the surrounding neighborhood.... (read the rest)