Great comments from this week

quote bubbleOf the hundreds of comments posted this week on AOA, here are a few of the ones that made us think or laugh this week.

Thanks to everyone who posted a comment this week!

About the latest turn in the ghost ticket saga

When further questioned, Betty Barnette pointed behind me and shouted "Oh my god, what the hell is that?" When I turned back around after seeing nothing, Better Barnette was running away as fast as she could.

... said Pantaloons

About the sale of property owned by Oakwood Cemetery

Is anyone else totally creeped out by the cemetary selling land? The apartments should be rented with a legally required disclaimer "beware poltergeists" or "Craig T Nelson may run into your bedroom and yell into your closet."

... said Katherine

About the no-shake Sage graduation

As long as you don't shove your hand in your mouth after you hit the stage, there's nothing to be worried about.

Now, if you stick your foot in your mouth...

... said Rochelle

I hope they go MLB style & just spank each other on the butt as they pass by. Or if that doesn't work, I suppose headbutting will suffice.

... said Pantaloons

About Mother's Day

We will be taking my mother to the beer garden. Because nothing says "I love you mom" more than pints of beer and Octoberfest style food.

... said Ellie

About Angelina and the Mayor

We should look for orange hand prints on Angelina's ass when we all go see the movie.

... said Katherine

About circus elephants

Thanks AOA for covering something so "neat" - I think it's especially neat how circus animals get live in hell for our "entertainment".

... said Madeline

About the bottle bill borking beer choice

Please, don't leave us stuck with Coors Light!

... said amymengel

Yet another example of New York creating a hostile environment for business and toxic conditions for small business.

... said j

I've given this some thought and I really don't see how this would be much of a burden to the breweries. The labels or packaging that have the barcodes on them have to be printed anyway, so what difference does it make if they have to print a separate run for New York's enormous thirst? I'm guessing that every production run has an intended customer who has already been sold what's rolling off of the line, it's not like a product with a limited shelf life is made with the hopes that someone *might* buy it sooner or later. The only place I see it being problematic is with exotic imports and small label niche beers, but it's nothing that a little applied cleverness can't overcome.

... said tim

About the snakehead in broccoli at Friday's

Wow.. see what happens when you try to eat healthy!

... said KiMelodic

Get these mother#$% snakes off this mother#$% plate.

... said Rob

About people preferring Spitzer of Paterson

How can someone who has accomplished so much (especially considering the multiple crises he basically inherited) in such a short time have such a low approval rating? The answer: mainstream media's constantly-negative portrayal, and a lack of counter-messaging from his campaign.

... said Buffalo the City

I feel like Paterson is acting as someone doing what's best for the state in a horrible economic crisis without worrying about reelection. If he's right he'll be hailed as a genius, if wrong we will remember him as "that interim governor who screwed the state up."

... said Aaron

Whatever. Polls can't be trusted. For example, a recent poll of men that I work with shows that 100% of them believe I look nothing like a blond Christina Ricci even though from certain angles and in certain lighting and after many beers I totally do.

... said Pantaloons

About the Blue Pants' trip to Wolff's

No one cares about gnomes. This blog was once good and is becoming unreadable with this gnome crap.

... said Mr. Albany

EVERYBODY STOP HAVING FUN IMMEDIATELY. It is ruining my enjoyment of this site.

... said Kevin


There's nothing quite like having my comments featured to make me notice all of my ridiculous typos and misspellings. It's a miracle you guys even understand what I'm saying. Maybe next time I'll just pound on the keyboard erratically. Pretty much the same thing.

Nothing like being a hipster, thanks kim:) u know what i mean

> No one cares about gnomes. This blog was once good
> and is becoming unreadable with this gnome crap.

This is bound to become a great AOA meme. It started already. Love it.

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What's All Over Albany?

All Over Albany is for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. In other words, it's for you. It's kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who can help you find out what's up. Oh, and our friends call us AOA.


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Thank you!

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