You didn't actually ask, but...

There are many things in that bucket. Hope is not one of them.
Believe it or not, there are some people who don't visit AOA via a bookmark, feed reader, irresistible urge, or unconscious habit. (Yes, shocking, we know.) Many of these people come in looking for something via Google -- and sometimes we can't help but take notice of what they're looking for.
Well, as you know, we like to help. So even though you didn't actually ask, here's the (an) answer...
October 4: where do young people live in albany
Well, if you mean Albany as in the Capital Region, here are the places with the three lowest median ages in the four core counties of the metro area, according the 2010 Census:
Troy: 30.2
Albany: 30.3
Schenectady: 33.4
If you're talking about the city itself, the census tract with the lowest median age is tract 4.04 with a median of 20.4 -- it's the tract that includes UAlbany's uptown campus. It's followed by 5.02 -- right in the middle of Pine Hills -- at 21.3.
October 10: does albany suck
It does not. Though that is a persistent belief among some people. And that does suck. Next.
October 10: can i get a message to kate welshofer through google searches?
Possibly. Try googling "kate welshofer hey baby"
October 16: Jackson Murphy annoying
Well, you're not alone in thinking so. But we would ask you to examine your annoyance a bit more closely. Is it the product of young master Murphy's incredibly manic delivery -- or perhaps the realization that at age 12 (or whatever), he has already gained more fame in his career than you have?
You can take solace from the fact that being a precocious child star always turns out well. Always.
October 18: first snow dates albany ny
Easy: average is October 31, earliest is October 1.
October 24: cool suburbs of albany ny
We're not sure we'd regard any of Albany's suburbs as "cool." Nice? Sure. Livable? OK. But cool? Not really.
Well, unless Troy counts.
November 1: what is in the vermonster
The Ben & Jerry's offering includes the following: 20 scoops of ice cream, hot fudge, carmel, nuts, a brownie, 3 giant cookies, 4 bananas, whipped cream and four toppings of your choice. Plus a lost chance at ever fitting into those jeans.
November 2: where to find exotic dancer clothing in albany ny
We suspect you could find clothes for that purpose in many places -- heck maybe even a place like Target, if you're creative. That said, your best bet is to look for where the exotic dancers are -- their clothes are probably not (too) far away.
But don't look at the place in Latham -- they don't dance exotically or strip there. To quote an academic who's studied what they are doing there:
the presentations at Nite Moves unequivocally were live dramatic choreographic performances. They are in a theater that shows only dance routines. The theater actually is a little bit like an off Broadway theater. It's small and it's intimate, it's like theater-in-the-round (Tr., p. 94 [lines 13-19]).
So, skip that place.
And, really, we wouldn't focus too much energy on the clothing aspect of all this. We kind of doubt that clothes make the exotic dancer.
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Thanks for the compliment to Troy. It is cool. Cool architecture, cool shops, cool views of the Taconic Mountains, cool places to eat. Unfortunately the parking situation is NOT cool.
... said Rhea on Nov 5, 2011 at 10:08 AM | link
I love this feature!
... said Marcie on Nov 5, 2011 at 12:04 PM | link