You didn't actually ask, but...

It's that time of year.
Believe it or not, there are some people who don't visit AOA via an autocomplete url, feed reader, share, irresistible urge, or unconscious habit. (Yes, shocking, we know.) Many of these people come in looking for something via Google -- and sometimes we can't help but take notice of what they're looking for.
Well, as you know, we like to help. So even though you didn't actually ask, here's the (an) answer...
i caught two mice how many more are there
Short of asking the mice -- and interrogating them is no easy task, because they're tough little rodents and won't give up their comrades even when waterboarded -- you'll have to guess. And we've found that guessing about mice is best done with peanut butter. (For them, that is. But, hey, don't hold back for yourself, either.) There are many opinions on this, though.
But you're looking for answer, so here's our guess: n > 1.
why do i get shivers when i drink four lokos
Well, with the old stuff, we would have figured it was the caffeine. But the reformulated version doesn't include caffeine.
So... probably the taste. Because it tastes terrible. (shudder)
what do you do if slush sticks to the bottom of your car when you park
Kick it off. And then call it a funny name: fenderbergs, wheel boogers, winterberries, carnacles, whatever. The important thing here is that must you kick it off. To cleave a fenderberg from your car is to know a small moment of satisfaction.
why did roy j. mcdonald vote yes for gay marriage?
In the man's own words:
"You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing.
"You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, f--- it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing.
(Is this the greatest political quote in recent Capital Region history? We're leaning strongly toward yes.)
McDonald also made comments indicating that his autistic grandsons had helped him see the world differently and become more accepting of people. And as he told NYT this past fall:
"I'm in the party of Abraham Lincoln -- I'm very proud of that," he said. "I'm not in a party of a bunch of right-wing nitwits. It's Abraham Lincoln. It's everybody's included. And I feel that's very important."
It probably wasn't for political reasons.
what requires a boot in the city of albany
That's a rather broad question, but we'll it give a few spins:
+ Your feet in winter.
+ Your feet, if you're going to be hiking the High Peaks.
+ The backside of someone being a jackass.
+ The wheel of the car of a parking ticket scofflaw.
+ A person needing to transport multiple people and their luggage (note: this last one only applies if you're British).
bike paths from denver co to albany ny
You're an ambitious one. OK, you're not going to make all the way there on a bike path. But a few that could end up using for part of the way:
+ The Mohawk Hudson Hike Bike Trail
+ The Katy Trail -- a 237 mile across Missouri. (One end is Missour-ah, the other is Missour-ee.)
+ The Cowboy Trail, 321 miles across Nebraska.
By the way: Google Maps says that trip is at least 1969 miles -- and would take 164 hours by bike (20.5 days, riding 8 hours a day).
when is flu season over
Whenever the flu decides its had enough -- and it seems to have plenty of fight this year.
Seriously, that's like asking how much snow we'll get this winter.
will we get more snow this year in albany
You're killing us.
OK, we've had 16.8 inches of snow so far this winter. That's almost 10 inches behind the "normal" amount by this time. But considering last winter we got only 23.3 inches (third smallest amount on record) -- we'd bet against us coming up short(er) this winter.
Of course, we also would have bet against the magnolia trees blooming in March last spring, too.
what is trader joe's strategy when opening a new store in a new market
1. Wait until people view the absence of a local Trader Joe's as some sort of existential crisis.
2. Announce store. Be very friendly with the local media, but also mysterious.
4. Watch the cars line up. Brace for weeks of crowds.
5. Open store.
where is the devil located in the NYS Capitol
We suspect you're for looking the tiny devil carving in the Great Western Staircase.
But you have to be careful about how you ask that question there. You could get a lot of different answers.
More questions you didn't ask.
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The devil, of course, is in the details. Just read one of those laws if you don't believe me.
... said Rob on Jan 19, 2013 at 9:14 AM | link
BTW, the devil isn't on the Western Staircase, but on the hallway wall, 1st floor, near the cafeteria. take heed, dear reader, it was responsible for the Great Capitol Fire and currently is preventing the Democrats from unifying in the Senate!
... said jsc on Jan 22, 2013 at 3:09 PM | link