A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past short week on AOA:
+ The lineup for this year's Saratoga Jazz Fest is out.
+ Against her better judgement, Deanna tried the pickle-brined fried chicken sandwich at 677 Prime twice. (It worked out OK.)
+ The spring lineup for the NYS Writers Institute visiting writers series is packed with interesting events, as usual.
+ We gave away tickets o the Pretty Much the Best Comedy Show at Proctors + a gift card to Aperitivo by asking: What's a modern frustration, foible, or faux pas that you deal with your in everyday life?
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: losing yourself, the Tom-and-Jerry struggle of adulthood, the Norman Rockwell Museum, Crane Mountain, the frozen shore, Eliphalet Nott, 10,000 Maniacs in a dingy bar, the view from Brown Tract Pond, Chez Nous, becoming a believer, Crave, chicken sandwiches, nominations for the Tour de Electric Wings, and starting over.
+ It's been the winter of (almost) no snow (so far).
+ With eye toward brushing off the winter blues, Julie put together a day of (warm) things to do in Saratoga Springs.
+ Jenna asked about finding exercise classes with working parent-friendly schedules.
+ We got some details on the proposal for 100 units of new residential in downtown Albany.
+ And the story of that beautiful, odd, skinny building on State Street in downtown Albany.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?