Items tagged with 'Capital Rep'
A peek at the plan for the new Capital Repertory Theatre in Albany

A rendering filed with the city as part of the exterior signage plan.
Here's a peek at Capital Repertory Theatre's planned renovation of an old warehouse space at North Pearl Street and Livingston Ave into a new theater space. The project is scheduled to make its first appearance before the Albany Planning Board this Thursday evening.
The project description from one of the development docs filed with the city:
The project includes the renovation of the existing 1800's vintage Nabisco building for use as a live theatre venue, 310 +/- seat auditorium with associated front and back of house facilities including a smaller 100 person performance and rehearsal space, box office, cafe/bar, gallery space, props and costume work area, dressing rooms, and administrative offices. The theatre will operate throughout the year, primarily matinee and evening showings arranged around performances. The offices, props and costume work area and rehearsal space will be used during normal business hours throughout the year.
The architecture firm working on the project is CSArch.
The proposed exterior plan includes four LED signs: three signs 4.5 feet by 40 feet, one each along the North Pearl side, Livingston side, and mounted on the roof; and a vertically-oriented sign on the corner that would be 18 feet tall and 4 feet wide. "The displays will be installed as permanent installations, illumination and scrolling LED graphics will be regulated by the theater and primarily limited to hours of operation."
The warehouse site doesn't have any parking and the docs also provide a peek at The Rep's plans for that.
Capital Repertory Theatre is moving

The building last summer.
The Capital Repertory Theatre is moving to a new home at the corner of Livingston and North Pearl in December 2019, the theater org/Proctors announced Tuesday. It will be converting an old bakery/electrical warehouse space at 251 North Pearl.
The project has been moving in this direction for a while -- the theater was already using the space for set construction. And it got a boost Monday when the Cuomo admin announced the project will getting $1.8 million from the Restore New York Communities Initiative.
Press release blurbage:
... The National Biscuit Co. building, at 251 N. Pearl Street, will become the new home for Capital Repertory Theatre, with a 300-seat MainStage, 70-seat black box theatre, full time café and box office.
Since August, theREP has been using the property, purchased through the generosity of its board, for set construction and storage. With completion of architectural drawings, the 30,000-square-foot former bakery will also house new administrative offices, rehearsal rooms, an event space and dedicated costume and prop shops, allowing for all activities to take place within a single footprint. ...
Residence at the National Biscuit Co. building will allow theREP to expand its programming, with up to 100 more annual events attracting an additional 10,000 patrons; and to expand its robust educational offerings, which currently reach more than 17,000 students from 64 schools in 39 communities.
The theater org -- which now prefers to be called theREP -- says the project will cost $8 million. And it's being backed in party by a mix of public money, including $2 million from New York State Homes and Community Renewal and $950k through the Regional Economic Development Council process.
2018-2019 lineups for Proctors Broadway shows and plays at The Rep

Local theater to host production of stage musical about Founding Father.
Yep, next year will be the year when Hamilton arrives at Proctors for a run during August 2019.
That was one of the details in the Proctors announcement Monday night of its upcoming Broadway lineup and the next season at Capital Repertory Theatre.
The Proctors lineup includes many shows that are currently playing on Broadway, so this will be an opportunity to see them while they're still hot. And The Rep season includes a world premiere and new spins on some old favorites.
Tickets for both series are now on sale as part of subscription packages. Individual show tickets will be available closer to the season starting. Some shows end up being very popular, so you might want to plan ahead a little bit for tickets if you're interested in going.
On with the lineups...
Capital Rep a step closer to moving its theater

The building at North Pearl and Livingston this past summer.
Capital Rep has landed a $2 million state grant for that warehouse space it bought at North Pearl and Livingston this past summer, and it's now openly talking about eventually moving its theater there.
The grant money is from the New York State Homes and Community Renewal's (HCR) Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund. From a Capital Rep/Proctors press release:
Projected redevelopment of the 33,000-square-foot space is a key element of a planned $7.9 million project to create a permanent home for Capital Repertory Theatre as the cornerstone of a block-wide revitalization of downtown Albany, providing Arbor Hill, the Warehouse District and underserved residents of the neighborhood with a variety of resources. The building is near Ida Yarbrough Homes, an HCR-funded affordable housing development. The theatre company, the Albany Housing Authority, and local service organizations are partnering to develop programs for workforce training and job placement at the café, in theatre operations, and in an expanded Downtown Ambassadors program. ...
As envisioned, theREP at Livingston Square would be a "community living room," providing entertainment, engagement and workforce development while allowing the theatre company--a member of the League of Resident Theatres and the only professional, producing theatre in a 14-county range--to remain in downtown Albany. Artist housing and patron parking are important future phases of a broader project, which is already attracting potential commercial investment in the neighborhood.
The theater company is currently using the Livingston/Pearl space for tech work and storage.
Capital Rep buys production space north of downtown Albany, another developing project in that spot

Capital Rep has bought the old warehouse building that sits on the northeast corner of North Pearl Street and Livingston Ave -- the former Gomez Electrical Contracting building -- the theater company officially announced Friday afternoon. From a Cap Rep/Proctors press release:
The Gomez building, located less than a half-mile from theREP, affords over 30,000 square feet of work and storage space.
For many years, theREP has rented production facilities from The Egg, at the Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza. Having its own nearby facility offers permanence, malleability and much greater capacity, while reducing costs and providing an economic anchor on the N. Pearl Street corridor.
Going forward, the theatre's technical staff will build, repair and store all set pieces and scenic elements at 251 N. Pearl Street, which also houses offices for the production team.
The theater company has no plans to hold performances there, spokesman Michael Eck said via email Monday.
The purchase isn't a surprise -- word about the potential deal surfaced earlier this year, and the Business Review reported in May the building was under contract. But its use as a production space instead of a performance space is a twist on what had been circulating. And it sounds like the change was a bit of a surprise to the owner of the building -- Mike DeMasi reports a closing date hasn't been scheduled, yet. [Biz Review x2]
That area of Albany, just north of downtown proper, has a lot projects in development right now. The redevelopment of the Ida Yarbrough Homes across Pearl Street is in progress. Just down the hill on Livingston, Albany Distilling Co. is repurposing a building as a new tasting room and retail shop. Around the block on Broadway, developer Patrick Chiou is renovating a row of vacant housing. And on the block just to the south, between Pearl and Broadway, work has started for new construction that will include 100 residential units on a former parking lot.
2017-2018 lineups for Proctors Broadway shows and Capital Rep

The national tour of The Color Purple will start at Proctors in October. / photo: Matthew Murphy
A touring production of Hamilton will be coming to Proctors during the 2018-2019 season.
Yep, that's a big deal because it's a hugely popular show. But it's also a year and a half (or more) away. And don't overlook a very solid lineup of Broadway shows for the 2017-2018 season, including the excellent The Color Purple.
Proctors announced that lineup -- along with the next Capital Rep lineup -- Monday night.
Tickets for both series go on sale today (February 7) as part of subscription packages. Individual show tickets will be available closer to the season starting. People who buy subscription packages this year will have first crack at Hamilton tickets next year.
Some shows end up being very popular, so you might want to plan ahead a little bit for tickets if you're interested in going.
Without further ado...
Proctors 2016-2017 season

Of course, in the next film, they go to the future. Which was... 2015.
This week Proctors released a big schedule of shows and events for its 2016-2017 season -- some new, some already announced. A big list is after the jump.
One of the new dates that caught our eye: Christopher Lloyd Goes Back to the Future on February 19 (yep, next year). Tickets $20 and up -- they're on sale now. Blurbage:
Great Scott! It's the event that will be generating 1.21 gigawatts of power as Christopher Lloyd ("Dr. Emmett Brown" from Back to the Future) takes the stage in this electrifying live event! "Doc Brown" himself will rev up the excitement to 88 MPH as he shares hilarious and revealing behind-the-scenes stories from the making of the film, his experience working with Michael J. Fox and Steven Spielberg, and much more.
The event will also include Q&A with the audience.
OK, on to that list...
2016-2017 lineups for Proctors Broadway shows and Capital Rep

The Broadway season at Proctors includes the Tony-winning play The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time. / photo: Joan Marcus
The Broadway season at Proctors includes the Tony-winning play The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time. / photo: Joan Marcus
Proctors and Capital Rep have jointly announced their lineups for the next season of Broadway shows and theater productions. The Broadway series at Proctors includes a bunch of prominent shows -- including a little musical called Wicked. And the Cap Rep lineup again includes a world-premiere play.
Tickets for both series go on sale today (February 2) as part of subscription packages. Individual show tickets will be available closer to the season starting.
Some shows end up being very popular, so you might want to plan ahead a little bit for tickets if you're interested in going.
Without further ado...
Capital Rep's 2012/2013 season

Capital Rep opens its 2012/2013 season Tuesday night with Ella, a musical about jazz great Ella Fitzgerald. It runs through August 12. Tickets start at $20.
Here's how the rest of the slate for Cap Rep's season shapes up...
Proctors and Capital Rep partnering
Proctors and Capital Repertory Theater announced today that they have teamed up to "sustain the state of the performing arts and to explore economies of scale and shared solutions." The full release is after the jump.
The orgs say that Proctors has taken over ticketing, finance, marketing, development, education programming and group sales for Capital Rep. The press release says Cap Rep will continue to operate independently with its own artist direction and at its downtown Albany location.
The release notes that Cap Rep has been dealing with declining support from municipal and private sources, and "recorded losses along the way." The theater had been getting $60k from the City of Albany, but that funding -- and the funding for other arts groups -- was cut in the last city budget. But the theater had already been scraping to get by -- and had a round of layoffs last summer. [TU Arts Talk]
Capital Rep expects to save $200k under the new partnership. [TU]
Talk of a potential partnership between the two arts organizations has been buzzing in the background for a while -- but as late as mid-December, the players were denying a plan was in the works. [Troy Record]
If this partnership helps shore up the finances of Capital Rep, it could be a good thing for theater fans (beyond simply keeping the theater afloat). It might give Capital Rep the freedom to program adventurously without having to depend on sure-fire hits to pay for more challenging programming.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?