On the Waterfront: Troy

Troy's waterfront: imagined
Troy's slow renaissance is gaining momentum. It's an exciting thing to watch.
The CityStation project is progressing quickly on Congress Street. But the project that really has me weak in the knees is the redevelopment of the former city hall site by Troy City Center. Have you seen it? It's a real game-changer.
I'm giddy.
I'll admit that prior to the reveal last week, I was far from sold on the idea of opening up the square with a view to the river. I was afraid it would look all gap-toothed and awkward. Ew.
Instead, the use of a piazza to extend Broadway down to the riverfront is AWESOME. I think it'll feel like it has always been that way, especially with the few tweeks Don Rittner has suggested for windows and facades.
I actually need to stop thinking about this project because it feels like I'm on the brink of having an illicit affair. I love my ol' gal, but ZOMG, I WANTS ONE!!!! I lived downtown for my first five years here, and there is much I still miss about living downtown. Mayor Harry "Troy Boy" Tutunjian called the project transformative, and he couldn't be more accurate if you ask me. Right now, downtown feels like a ghost town after 5 pm, with only a handful of places open for evening and nighttime entertainment sprinkled around. I have no doubts that this will continue to change as this project moves along.
So if I wasn't just about dying to see the old city hall, that concrete monstrosity, razed before, I certainly am now. I have hated that thing with a passion since I first laid eyes on it. When a few "test swings" were taken on New Year's Eve, I wanted to smother @TroyMayor with hugs and kisses, but I try not to act too familiar with Troyalty. Besides, my favorite councilman would have been all jealous, and tension between my favs makes me awkward...
Which brings me to the feasibility study for moving city government (yes, again), from the Verizon Building on 6th to the Dauchy Building on River Street.
I attended the special meeting last week at which John G. Waite Associates briefed city council on the findings. I, personally, think this is a move the city should take. The major objection I am hearing is the effect city hall would have on parking and how that will impact downtown businesses -- and I honestly don't understand how that would be any different than if the Dauchy Building were otherwise occupied. It just makes fiscal sense to me. So let's settle back into a permanent home.
This Tuesday John G. Waite Associates will present a more comprehensive study to the council. The meeting is public and will be held at the Christ Church United Methodist at 6 pm.
Kim loves Troy even more than you do.
Kim on the Soapbox:
+ Hoosick Street: Future UFO landing site
+ Stop wining and do something about it
+ Good neighbors check in to make sure you haven't frozen to death
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Will they give out bullet-proof vests?
... said Sombody on Jun 8, 2011 at 12:11 PM | link